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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, D, O, T and 2U

ADVENTUROUSadventurous adj. (Of a person) Inclined to adventure; willing to take risks; prone to embark on hazardous enterprises; daring.
adventurous adj. (Of an act or product) Full of risks; risky; liable to be in danger; requiring courage; rash.
ADVENTUROUS adj. disposed to seek adventure.
AUDITORIUMSauditoriums n. Plural of auditorium.
AUDITORIUM n. (Latin) the part of a theatre, lecture-hall, or other public building occupied by the audience.
MOUTHGUARDSmouthguards n. Plural of mouthguard.
mouth␣guards n. Plural of mouth guard.
OUTLAUNCHEDoutlaunched v. Simple past tense and past participle of outlaunch.
OUTLAUNCH v. to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCE.
OUTMEASUREDoutmeasured v. Simple past tense and past participle of outmeasure.
OUTMEASURE v. to exceed in measure or extent.
OUTSAVOUREDOUTSAVOUR v. to exceed in savouring, also OUTSAVOR.
ROUNDABOUTSroundabouts n. Plural of roundabout.
ROUNDABOUT v. to go round and round.
SUBAUDITIONsubaudition n. The act of understanding, or supplying, something not expressed.
subaudition n. That which is understood or supplied from that which is expressed.
SUBAUDITION n. understanding of something not expressed.
SUDATORIUMSSUDATORIUM n. (Latin) a sweat room in a bath.
TROUBADOURStroubadours n. Plural of troubadour.
TROUBADOUR n. (French) any of a class of poet-musicians flourishing esp. in southern France and northern Italy during the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.
TURNAROUNDSturnarounds n. Plural of turnaround.
turn-arounds n. Plural of turn-around.
turn␣arounds n. Plural of turn around.
ULTRASOUNDSultrasounds n. Plural of ultrasound.
ULTRASOUND n. vibrations of the same physical nature as sound but with frequencies above the range of human hearing.
UNACCOUNTEDunaccounted adj. Not accounted.
UNACCOUNTED adj. not accounted.
UNAUTOMATEDunautomated adj. Not automated.
UNAUTOMATED adj. not automated.
UNDOUBTABLEundoubtable adj. (Rare) Incapable of being doubted; undoubted; indubitable.
UNDOUBTABLE adj. that cannot be doubted.
UNDULATIONSundulations n. Plural of undulation.
UNDULATION n. a rising and falling in waves.
UNMODULATEDunmodulated adj. Not modulated.
UNMODULATED adj. not modulated.
UNPOPULATEDunpopulated adj. Uninhabited, having no residents.
unpopulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unpopulate.
UNPOPULATED adj. not populated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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