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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, 2H, 2I and M

AMPHICHROICamphichroic adj. (Chemistry) Exhibiting or producing two colours, as substances which may change red litmus to blue and…
AMPHICHROIC adj. producing two colours, one on reacting with an acid, the other on reacting with a base, also AMPHICHROMATIC.
AMPHIPATHICamphipathic adj. (Chemistry) Describing a molecule, such as a detergent, which has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups.
amphipathic adj. (Biochemistry) Of the surface(s) on a protein, particularly an alpha helix, where one surface of the…
AMPHIPATHIC adj. of an unsymmetrical molecular group of which one end is hydrophilic and the other end hydrophobic.
AMPHIPHILESamphiphiles n. Plural of amphiphile.
AMPHIPHILE n. a type of molecule that is amphiphilic, of or relating to a compound having a polar water-molecule attached to a water-soluble hydrocarbon chain.
AMPHIPHILICamphiphilic adj. (Chemistry, of a molecule) Being a detergent: having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic (or lipophilic) groups.
amphiphilic adj. (Biochemistry, of a protein, especially an alpha helix) Having one surface consisting of hydrophilic…
AMPHIPHILIC adj. of or relating to a compound having a polar water-molecule attached to a water-soluble hydrocarbon chain.
AMPHITHECIAAMPHITHECIUM n. the outer layer of cells of the embryo of mosses and liverworts that develops into the outer parts of the spore-bearing capsule.
AMPHITRICHAAMPHITRICHA n. bacteria that have flagella at both ends.
CHIMICHANGAchimichanga n. (US) A deep-fried wet burrito.
CHIMICHANGA n. (Spanish) a tortilla wrapped round a filling, as of meat, and deep fried.
HAEMOPHILIAhaemophilia n. (British spelling, pathology) Any of several hereditary illnesses that impair the body’s ability to…
hæmophilia n. Alternative spelling of haemophilia.
HAEMOPHILIA n. a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly injured.
HAEMOPHILIChaemophilic adj. (British spelling) of or pertaining to haemophilia.
HAEMOPHILIC adj. suffering from haemophilia, also HEMOPHILIC.
HEMISTICHALhemistichal adj. Pertaining to, or written in, hemistichs.
HEMISTICHAL adj. related to a hemistich.
HEMOPHILIAChemophiliac n. (Medicine) A person with hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIAC n. one affected with hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIAShemophilias n. Plural of hemophilia.
HEMOPHILIA n. a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly damaged.
HIERARCHISMhierarchism n. The principles or authority of a hierarchy.
HIERARCHISM n. a hierarchical system.
MESSIAHSHIPmessiahship n. Having the position of, or being ordained by God as messiah.
Messiahship n. Having the position of, or being ordained by God as the Messiah.
MESSIAHSHIP n. the state of being a messiah.
NIGHTMARISHnightmarish adj. Resembling a nightmare.
NIGHTMARISH adj. like a nightmare, also NIGHTMARY.
PHILOMATHICphilomathic adj. Relating to philomathy.
philomathic adj. Having a love of learning or letters.
PHILOMATHIC adj. loving learning, also PHILOMATHICAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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