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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2A, G, N, S and Z

AGGRANDIZERSaggrandizers n. Plural of aggrandizer.
AGGRANDIZER n. one who aggrandizes, also AGGRANDISER.
APOSTATIZINGapostatizing v. Present participle of apostatize.
APOSTATIZE v. to change one's religious allegiance; forsake one's principles, also APOSTATISE.
BASTARDIZINGbastardizing v. Present participle of bastardize.
bastardizing n. The act or process by which something is bastardized.
BASTARDIZE v. to make or prove to be a bastard; to stigmatize as a bastard, also BASTARDISE.
DIAGONALIZESdiagonalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of diagonalize.
DIAGONALIZE v. to put (a matrix) in a form with all the nonzero elements along the diagonal from upper left to lower right, also DIAGONALISE.
HANSARDIZINGHansardizing v. Present participle of Hansardize.
HANSARDIZE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDISE.
MARGINALIZESmarginalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of marginalize.
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
NEOPAGANIZESneopaganizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of neopaganize.
NEOPAGANIZE v. to make neopagan, also NEOPAGANISE.
NEWSMAGAZINEnewsmagazine n. A magazine that specializes in delivering news.
newsmagazine n. (Broadcasting) A news show presenting feature-length stories on current events, rather than immediate reports.
NEWSMAGAZINE n. a usually weekly magazine devoted chiefly to summarizing and analyzing news.
PARASITIZINGparasitizing v. Present participle of parasitize.
PARASITIZE v. to infest or live on or with as a parasite, also PARASITISE.
SACCHARIZINGsaccharizing v. Present participle of saccharize.
SACCHARIZE v. to convert into, or to impregnate with, sugar, also SACCHARISE.
SCANDALIZINGscandalizing v. Present participle of scandalize.
scandalizing adj. Tending to cause a scandal; scandalous.
scandalizing n. Scandalization.
SPATIALIZINGspatializing v. Present participle of spatialize.
TANTALIZINGStantalizings n. Plural of tantalizing.
TANTALIZING n. tormenting by presenting something desirable but keeping it out of reach.
VAGABONDIZESvagabondizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vagabondize.
VAGABONDIZE v. to go about as a vagabond, also VAGABONDISE.
ZOOSPORANGIAzoosporangia n. Plural of zoosporangium.
zoösporangia n. Plural of zoösporangium.
ZOOSPORANGIUM n. a spore case or sporangium bearing zoospores.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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