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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, R, 2S and X

ALEXANDERSESALEXANDERS n. an umbelliferous plant, the stems of which were formerly eaten as celery is now.
ASPHYXIATORSasphyxiators n. Plural of asphyxiator.
ASPHYXIATOR n. one of who asphyxiates.
CARBOXYLASEScarboxylases n. Plural of carboxylase.
CARBOXYLASE n. an enzyme that catalyzes decarboxylation or carboxylation.
EXASPERATERSexasperaters n. Plural of exasperater.
EXASPERATER n. one who exasperates, also EXASPERATOR.
EXASPERATORSexasperators n. Plural of exasperator.
EXASPERATOR n. one who exasperates, also EXASPERATER.
EXOPARASITESexoparasites n. Plural of exoparasite.
EXOPARASITE n. a parasite, such as the flea, that lives on the outer surface of its host.
EXTRAVASATESextravasates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of extravasate.
EXTRAVASATE v. in pathology, to exude from a vessel into surrounding tissue; in geology, to erupt.
PARAPRAXISESPARAPRAXIS n. a slip of the tongue or pen that reveals the unconscious mind.
SEXAGENARIESsexagenaries n. Plural of sexagenary.
SEXAGENARY n. someone in their sixties.
STEREOTAXIASSTEREOTAXIA n. the electrical destruction of a small area of brain tissue, using stereotactic methods, to relieve disorders such as epilepsy and Parkinsonism.
TOXOCARIASESTOXOCARIASIS n. a disease caused by parasitic worms.
TOXOCARIASIStoxocariasis n. A zoonotic, helminthic infection of humans caused by roundworms of the genus Toxocara.
TOXOCARIASIS n. a disease caused by parasitic worms.
TRANSSEXUALStranssexuals n. Plural of transsexual.
TRANSSEXUAL n. a person anatomically of one sex but having a strong desire to adopt the physical characteristics and role of a member of the opposite sex, also TRANSEXUAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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