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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing A, B, F, L, M and U

BLAMEFULNESSblamefulness n. The quality of being blameful.
BLAMEFULNESS n. the state of being blameful.
BULLMASTIFFSbullmastiffs n. Plural of bullmastiff.
Bullmastiffs n. Plural of Bullmastiff.
BULLMASTIFF n. a breed of dog.
EMULSIFIABLEemulsifiable adj. That can be emulsified, or applied in an emulsion.
EMULSIFIABLE adj. capable of being emulsified.
FUNAMBULATEDfunambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of funambulate.
FUNAMBULATE v. to walk the tightrope.
FUNAMBULATESfunambulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of funambulate.
FUNAMBULATE v. to walk the tightrope.
FUNAMBULATORfunambulator n. Tightrope walker.
FUNAMBULATOR n. a tightrope walker.
FUNAMBULISMSfunambulisms n. Plural of funambulism.
FUNAMBULISM n. tightrope walking.
FUNAMBULISTSfunambulists n. Plural of funambulist.
FUNAMBULIST n. a tightrope walker.
SUBMANIFOLDSsubmanifolds n. Plural of submanifold.
SUBMANIFOLD n. in mathematics, a subset of a manifold which itself has the properties of a manifold.
UNFATHOMABLEunfathomable adj. Impossible to fathom or understand.
unfathomable adj. Difficult to penetrate.
UNFATHOMABLE adj. not capable of being fathomed.
UNFATHOMABLYunfathomably adv. In an unfathomable manner; beyond understanding.
UNFATHOMABLE adv. not capable of being fathomed.
UNFLAMBOYANTunflamboyant adj. Not flamboyant.
UNFLAMBOYANT adj. not flamboyant.
UNFORMIDABLEunformidable adj. Not formidable.
UNFORMIDABLE adj. not formidable.
UNMODIFIABLEunmodifiable adj. Incapable of being modified; immune to modification.
UNMODIFIABLE adj. not modifiable.
UNREFORMABLEunreformable adj. That cannot be reformed.
UNREFORMABLE adj. not reformable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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