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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, C, 3L and P

ALLELOPATHICallelopathic adj. Relating to an allelopathy.
ALLELOPATHIC adj. relating to allelopathy.
APOLITICALLYapolitically adv. Done without political affiliation.
APOLITICAL adv. not political.
CEPHALICALLYcephalically adv. In a cephalic manner.
CEPHALIC adv. pertaining to the head.
ECLIPTICALLYECLIPTIC adv. relating to the ecliptic.
ELLIPTICALLYelliptically adv. In the form of an ellipse.
elliptically adv. Using ellipsis.
ELLIPTICAL adv. having the shape of an ellipse, also ELLIPTIC.
PATRILOCALLYpatrilocally adv. In a patrilocal fashion.
PATRILOCAL adv. designating a form of marriage in which the wife goes to live with the husband's group.
PHILOLOGICALphilological adj. Of or pertaining to the history of literature and words.
philological adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to historical linguistics.
PHILOLOGICAL adj. of or pertaining to philology, also PHILOLOGIC.
PHYLETICALLYphyletically adv. In a phyletic manner.
phyletically adv. Regarding phylogeny.
PHYLETIC adv. relating to a phylum; according to presumed evolutionary descent.
PHYLLOCLADESphylloclades n. Plural of phylloclade.
PHYLLOCLADE n. another name for a cladode, also PHYLLOCLAD.
PLATONICALLYplatonically adv. In a platonic manner.
PLATONIC adv. not erotic.
PLURILOCULARplurilocular adj. Multilocular.
PLURILOCULAR adj. multilocular.
POLYALCOHOLSpolyalcohols n. Plural of polyalcohol.
POLYALCOHOL n. an alcohol that contains more than one hydroxyl group.
POLYSYLLABICpolysyllabic adj. (Of a word) Having more than one syllable; having multiple or many syllables.
polysyllabic adj. (Of spoken or written language) Characterized by or consisting of words having numerous syllables.
polysyllabic n. A word having more than one syllable.
PRELATICALLYprelatically adv. In a prelatical manner; with reference to prelates.
PRELATICAL adv. relating to a prelate, a bishop or abbot of superior rank, also PRELATIAL, PRELATIC.
PROLIFICALLYprolifically adv. In a prolific manner, or to a prolific extent; abundantly.
PROLIFICAL adv. producing young or fruit abundantly.
SCULPTURALLYsculpturally adv. In terms of, or by means of, sculpture.
SCULPTURAL adv. of or relating to sculpture.
SEPULCHRALLYsepulchrally adv. In a sepulchral manner.
SEPULCHRAL adv. funereal; gloomy; dismal.
SIMPLICIALLYsimplicially adv. In a simplicial way.
SIMPLICIAL adv. of or relating to simplexes.
VALPOLICELLAValpolicella n. A dry red wine made in the region of Verona, Italy, from various local grape varieties and consequently…
VALPOLICELLA n. a red or rose wine made in the Val Policella district.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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