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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing A, D, E, 2I and Q

DISQUALIFIEDdisqualified v. Simple past tense and past participle of disqualify.
DISQUALIFY v. to debar.
DISQUALIFIERdisqualifier n. One who, or that which, disqualifies.
DISQUALIFIER n. one who disqualifies.
DISQUALIFIESdisqualifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disqualify.
DISQUALIFY v. to debar.
EQUIDISTANCEequidistance n. (Countable, uncountable) Equal distance.
EQUIDISTANCE n. equality of distance.
EQUILIBRATEDequilibrated v. Simple past tense and past participle of equilibrate.
equilibrated adj. Subject to equilibration.
EQUILIBRATE v. to bring into or keep in equilibrium.
INADEQUACIESinadequacies n. Plural of inadequacy.
INADEQUACY n. the state of being inadequate.
INEQUIVALVEDinequivalved adj. Synonym of inequivalve.
INEQUIVALVED adj. having the valves of the shell of a mollusk unequal in size, also INEQUIVALVE.
PREQUALIFIEDprequalified v. Simple past tense and past participle of prequalify.
PREQUALIFY v. to qualify beforehand, as for a shortlist.
QUADRIENNIALquadriennial adj. Alternative form of quadrennial.
quadriennial n. Alternative form of quadrennial.
QUADRIENNIAL adj. taking place every four years.
QUADRIENNIUMQUADRIENNIUM n. (Latin) a period of four years, also QUADRENNIUM.
QUADRIPLEGIAquadriplegia n. Paralysis from the neck down.
quadriplegia n. Paralysis of all four limbs.
QUADRIPLEGIA n. paralysis of both arms and both legs, also TETRAPLEGIA.
QUADRIPLEGICquadriplegic adj. Of, related to, or suffering from quadriplegia.
quadriplegic n. One who suffers from quadriplegia.
QUADRIPLEGIC adj. relating to quadriplegia, paralysis of both arms and both legs.
QUIDDITATIVEquidditative adj. Alternative form of quiddative.
QUIDDITATIVE adj. of the nature of a quiddity, trifling.
QUINQUENNIADquinquenniad n. (Now rare) Synonym of quinquennium: A 5-year period.
QUINQUENNIAD n. a period of five years, also QUINQUENNIUM.
SQUALIDITIESsqualidities n. Plural of squalidity.
SQUALIDITY n. the state of being squalid, also SQUALIDNESS.
TRANQUILISEDtranquilised v. Simple past tense and past participle of tranquilise.
TRANQUILIZEDtranquilized v. Simple past tense and past participle of tranquilize.
UNLIQUIDATEDunliquidated adj. (Law) Not liquidated; unascertained.
UNLIQUIDATED adj. not liquidated.
UNQUANTIFIEDunquantified adj. Not quantified (in any sense).
UNQUANTIFIED adj. not quantified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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