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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 8 thirteen-letter words containing 3A, B and 2C

ACROBATICALLYacrobatically adv. In an acrobatic manner.
ACROBATIC adv. like an acrobat, agile.
BACCALAUREATEbaccalaureate n. A bachelor’s degree.
baccalaureate n. A high school completion exam and qualification awarded in many countries (e.g. Finland, France, Moldova…
baccalaureate n. (US) A farewell address in the form of a sermon delivered to a graduating class.
BACCHANALIANSbacchanalians n. Plural of bacchanalian.
Bacchanalians n. Plural of Bacchanalian.
BACCHANALIAN n. a drunken reveller, also BACCHANAL.
BANCASSURANCEbancassurance n. (Insurance) A banking and insurance structure in which insurance is sold through the bank or the bank’s…
BANCASSURANCE n. the provision of financial services spanning both banking and insurance.
CABBALISTICALcabbalistical adj. Cabalistic.
CATABOLICALLYcatabolically adv. In terms of catabolism.
CATABOLIC adv. relating to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also KATABOLIC.
CYANOBACTERIAcyanobacteria n. Plural of cyanobacterium.
Cyanobacteria prop.n. The only photosynthetic prokaryotes able to produce oxygen.
CYANOBACTERIUM n. a blue-green alga.
TOBACCANALIANtobaccanalian adj. (Rare) Relating to the smoking of tobacco.
tobaccanalian n. (Rare) A person who smokes tobacco.
TOBACCANALIAN n. (facetious) a smoker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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