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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, N, R, S and X

CONSOLATRIXESCONSOLATRIX n. a woman who consoles.
CONTRASEXUALSCONTRASEXUAL n. one who represses the personality traits that most people repress because they are characteristic of the opposite sex.
EXACERBATIONSexacerbations n. Plural of exacerbation.
EXACERBATION n. the act of exarcebating.
EXCRESCENTIALexcrescential adj. Pertaining to, or resembling, an excrescence.
EXCRESCENTIAL adj. of or like an excrescence.
EXCRUCIATIONSexcruciations n. Plural of excruciation.
EXCRUCIATION n. the act of excruciating.
EXECRABLENESSexecrableness n. The quality of being execrable.
EXECRABLE n. detestable, wretched.
EXERCITATIONSexercitations n. Plural of exercitation.
EXERCITATION n. putting into practice.
EXORBITANCIESexorbitancies n. Plural of exorbitancy.
EXORBITANCY n. the state of being exorbitant, also EXORBITANCE.
EXTRAVAGANCESextravagances n. Plural of extravagance.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
EXTRINSICALLYextrinsically adv. In an extrinsic manner.
EXTRINSICAL adv. outward, external, as opposed to intrinsic, also EXTRINSIC.
EXULCERATIONSexulcerations n. Plural of exulceration.
EXULCERATION n. ulceration.
HIERACOSPHINXhieracosphinx n. A mythical beast found in Egyptian sculpture and European heraldry, being a lion with the head of a falcon.
HIERACOSPHINX n. in ancient Egyptian art, a hawk-headed sphinx.
PRAXINOSCOPESpraxinoscopes n. Plural of praxinoscope.
PRAXINOSCOPE n. an instrument with mirrors in which a series of moving drawings appear as a continuously moving picture; an early form of cinematograph.
XANTHOCHROIASXANTHOCHROIA n. yellowness of the skin.
XANTHOCHROIDSxanthochroids n. Plural of xanthochroid.
XANTHOCHROID n. a blond-haired and blue eyed person with fair white skin.
XANTHOCHROISMxanthochroism n. Alternative form of xanthochromism.
XANTHOCHROISM n. a condition in which all skin pigments except yellow disappear.
XANTHOCHROOUSxanthochroous adj. Yellow‐skinned; of or pertaining to Xanthochroi.
XANTHOCHROOUS adj. exhibiting xanthochroism, a condition in which all pigments other than yellow disappear, also XANTHOCHROIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 104 words
  • Scrabble in French: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 67 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 8 words

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