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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, G, N, R and S

ANGORASangoras n. Plural of angora.
Angoras n. Plural of Angora.
ANGORA n. fabric made from the hair of the angora goat, aka mohair.
ARGANDSargands n. Plural of argand.
ARGAND n. (French) a gas lamp named after its inventor.
ARGHANSarghans n. Plural of arghan.
ARGHAN n. pita fibre.
FARANGSfarangs n. Plural of farang.
FARANG n. (Thai) a foreigner.
GARJANSgarjans n. Plural of garjan.
GARJAN n. (Hindi) a thin balsam or wood oil derived from an East Indian tree, also GURJUN.
GARRANSgarrans n. Plural of garran.
GARRAN n. (Irish) a small sturdy horse, also GARRON.
HANGARShangars n. Plural of hangar.
HANGAR v. to place in an aircraft shelter.
LANGARSlangars n. Plural of langar.
LANGAR n. (Punjabi) a dining hall in a Sikh place of worship.
NAGARISnagaris n. Plural of nagari.
NAGARI n. (Sanskrit) the character in which Sanskrit is usually printed, also DEVANAGARI.
PARANGSparangs n. Plural of parang.
PARANG n. (Malay) a large sheath-knife.
RAGLANSraglans n. Plural of raglan.
RAGLAN n. a loose overcoat with large sleeves.
RAGMANSragmans n. Plural of ragman.
RAGMAN n. a man who collects, or deals in, rags, also RAGMENT.
SANGARSsangars n. Plural of sangar.
SANGAR n. (Pushtu) a temporary fortification, also SANGA, SUNGAR.
SANGRIAsangria n. A cold drink, originating in Spain, consisting of red or white wine, brandy or sherry, fruit juice…
sangria n. (Color) A deep red color.
SANGRIA n. (Spanish) a Spanish wine punch.
SARANGIsarangi n. (Music) A bowed string instrument used in the Hindustani classical music of North India.
SARANGI n. (Hindi) an Indian stringed instrument, played like a fiddle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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