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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing A, B, C, E, I and S

ABSCISEabscise v. (Transitive) To cut off.
abscise v. (Intransitive, botany) To separate by means of abscission; to shed or drop off.
ABSCISE v. to cut off, to fall off by abscission.
ASCRIBEascribe v. (Transitive) To attribute a cause or characteristic to someone or something.
ascribe v. (Transitive) To attribute a book, painting or any work of art or literature to a writer or creator.
ascribe v. (Nonstandard, with to) To believe in or agree with; subscribe.
BACCIESbaccies n. Plural of baccy.
BACCY n. (colloquial) tobacco, also BACCO.
BACKIESbackies n. Plural of backie.
BACKIE n. (slang) a ride on the back of someone's bicycle.
BIACHESbiaches n. Plural of biach.
BIACH n. (slang) a bitch, also BIATCH, BITCH.
BIFACESbifaces n. Plural of biface.
BIFACE n. a type of prehistoric stone implement flaked on both faces.
CABBIEScabbies n. Plural of cabby.
CABBY n. (colloquial) a cabdriver, also CABBIE.
CABRIEScabries n. Plural of cabrie.
CABRIE n. (Spanish) a pronghorn antelope, also CABRIT.
CARBIEScarbies n. Plural of carby.
CARBY n. (Australian) short for carburettor.
CARIBEScaribes n. Plural of caribe.
CARIBE n. (Spanish) a South American freshwater fish, remarkable for its voracity, aka piranha.
SCABIESscabies n. (Pathology) An infestation of parasitic mites, Sarcoptes scabiei, causing intense itching caused by…
SCABIES n. (Latin) a contagious skin infection caused by an itch mite.
SEBACICsebacic adj. Of or pertaining to sebacic acid or its derivatives.
SEBACIC adj. of or like sebum, as in sebacic acid, also SEBASIC.
SEBASICSEBASIC adj. derived from a certain acid, also SEBACIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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