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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, C, I, L, P and T

APLITICaplitic adj. (Geology) Composed of, or relating to, aplite.
APLITIC adj. of or like aplite, a fine-grained, light-coloured igneous rock.
CAPITALcapital n. (Uncountable, economics) Already-produced durable goods available for use as a factor of production…
capital n. (Uncountable, business, finance, insurance) Money and wealth. The means to acquire goods and services…
capital n. (Countable) A city designated as a legislative seat by the government or some other authority, often…
CAPITOLcapitol n. (US) Any building or complex of buildings in which a legislature meets.
capitol n. (Historical) Alternative form of Capitol, the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill in Ancient Rome.
capitol n. (Historical) Alternative form of capitoul, the former chief magistrates of Toulouse, France.
CLIPARTclipart n. Alternative spelling of clip art.
clip␣art n. (Computing) A set of images, distributed as files with other software, that may be copied and pasted…
CLIPART n. graphical pieces that can be pasted into documents electronically.
COALPITcoalpit n. A pit where coal is extracted.
coalpit n. (US) A place where charcoal is made.
COALPIT n. a pit from which coal is obtained.
OPTICALoptical adj. Of, or relating to sight; visual.
optical adj. Designed to assist or enhance sight.
optical adj. Of, or relating to optics.
PLACITAplacita n. Plural of placitum.
PLACITUM n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACET, PLACIT.
PLACITSplacits n. Plural of placit.
PLACIT n. (Latin) a court ruling, also PLACITUM, PLACET.
PLASTICplastic n. A synthetic, solid, hydrocarbon-based polymer, whether thermoplastic or thermosetting.
plastic n. (Colloquial, metonymically) Credit or debit cards used in place of cash to buy goods and services.
plastic n. (Figurative, slang) insincerity; fakeness, or a person who is fake or arrogant, or believes that they…
PLICATEplicate adj. (Biology) Folded multiple times lengthwise like a fan, usually lending stiffness to a flat structure…
plicate v. (Chiefly biology) To fold or pleat (usually used in passive).
PLICATE adj. folded like a fan.
TOPICALtopical adj. Relating to a particular topic or subject.
topical adj. Relating to a topic or subject of current interest.
topical adj. Local to a particular place.
TYPICALtypical adj. Capturing the overall sense of a thing.
typical adj. Characteristically representing something by form, group, idea or type.
typical adj. Normal, average; to be expected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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