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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, C, N, R, S and T

CANTARScantars n. Plural of cantar.
CANTAR n. (Arabic) a Turkish unit of weight equal to approximately 100 pounds, also KANTAR.
CANTERScanters n. Plural of canter.
canters v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of canter.
Canters prop.n. Plural of Canter.
CANTORScantors n. Plural of cantor.
Cantors prop.n. Plural of Cantor.
CANTOR n. (Latin) a singer; esp. the leader of a church choir.
CARNETScarnets n. Plural of carnet.
CARNET n. (French) a customs or other permit; a book of coupons.
CARTONScartons n. Plural of carton.
cartons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of carton.
CARTON v. to pack in a cardboard box.
CONTRAScontras n. Plural of contra.
Contras n. Plural of Contra.
CONTRA n. (Latin) a Nicaraguan revolutionary.
CRATONScratons n. Plural of craton.
CRATON n. (Greek) a large, relatively stable section of earth's crust, forming the basis of a continent or ocean.
NARCISTnarcist n. (Dated) Synonym of narcissist.
NARCIST n. one given to narcism, excessive love of oneself, also NARCISSIST.
NECTARSnectars n. Plural of nectar.
NECTAR n. a delicious drink.
RECANTSrecants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recant.
RECANT v. to make a formal retraction.
SCANTERscanter adj. Comparative form of scant: more scant.
SCANT adj. scarce.
TANRECStanrecs n. Plural of tanrec.
TANREC n. (Malagasy) a small insectivore, native to Madagascar, also TENREC.
TRANCEStrances n. Plural of trance.
TRANCE v. to put into a semiconscious state.
UNCARTSuncarts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of uncart.
UNCART v. to take off a cart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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