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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, D, E, M, O and S

APEDOMSAPEDOM n. the world of apes.
DAEMONSdaemons n. Plural of daemon.
dæmons n. Plural of dæmon.
DAEMON n. (Greek) an inward spirit; personality; genius, also DAIMON.
DAMOSELdamosel n. Obsolete spelling of damsel.
DAMOSEL n. (archaic) a young girl or unmarried woman, also DAMOISEL, DAMOISELLE, DAMOZEL, DAMSEL, DEMOISELLE.
DEFOAMSdefoams v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of defoam.
DEFOAM v. to remove foam from.
MASONEDmasoned adj. (Heraldry, of a building) Having the mortar and bricks of different tinctures.
masoned v. Simple past tense and past participle of mason.
MASON v. to build or repair in stone.
MEADOWSmeadows n. Plural of meadow.
Meadows prop.n. A surname.
Meadows prop.n. A town in Mount Baker, South Australia, Australia.
MODENASMODENA n. (Italian) a popular variety of domestic fancy pigeon originating in Modena.
MONADESMONAS n. the number one; a unit; a single-celled organism, also MONAD.
NOMADESnomades n. Plural of nomade.
NOMADE n. a member of a wandering pastoral community, also NOMAD.
OEDEMASoedemas n. Plural of oedema.
œdemas n. Plural of œdema.
OEDEMA n. (Greek) a pathological accumulation of fluid in tissue spaces, also EDEMA.
POMADESpomades n. Plural of pomade.
pomades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pomade.
POMADE v. to apply a perfumed hair dressing to.
RADOMESradomes n. Plural of radome.
RADOME n. a domelike device used to shelter a radar antenna.
SAMOYEDsamoyed n. Alternative letter-case form of Samoyed (dog).
Samoyed n. (Anthropology) A member of the Samoyedic peoples of the Siberian Urals, who speak Samoyedic languages.
Samoyed n. (Zoology) A hardy breed of dog from Siberia.
SOMEDAYsomeday adv. Sometime; at some unspecified time in the future.
some␣day adv. An unspecified day in the future.
SOMEDAY adv. at some future time.
VAMOSEDvamosed v. Simple past tense and past participle of vamose.
VAMOSE v. to leave quickly, also VAMOOSE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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