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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, E, I, S, T and V

ACTIVESactives n. Plural of active.
ACTIVE n. the active mood of a verb.
AVIATESaviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aviate.
AVIATE v. to fly an aircraft.
AVIDESTavidest adj. Superlative form of avid: most avid.
AVID adj. eager.
DATIVESdatives n. Plural of dative.
DATIVE n. a grammatical case, indicating the indirect object of a verb.
ESTIVALestival adj. Of or relating to summer.
estival adj. Coming forth in the summer.
ESTIVAL adj. of or relating to summer, also AESTIVAL.
NAIVESTnaivest adj. Superlative form of naive: most naive.
naïvest adj. Superlative form of naïve: most naïve.
NAIVE adj. lacking sophistication.
NATIVESnatives n. Plural of native.
Natives n. Plural of Native.
NATIVE n. an original inhabitant of an area.
RAVIESTRAVEY adj. characteristic of a rave.
SPAVIETSPAVIET adj. relating to a spavie.
STATIVEstative adj. (Grammar) Asserting that a subject has a particular property.
stative adj. (Military, obsolete, rare) Of or relating to a fixed camp, or military posts or quarters.
stative n. (Grammar) A construct asserting that a subject has a particular property.
STEVIASstevias n. Plural of stevia.
STEVIA n. a South American plant cultivated for its sweet-tasting leaves; an extract of this plant used to sweeten foods.
TAIVERSTAIVER v. (Scots) to wander, to rave, also TAVER.
VAINESTvainest adj. Superlative form of vain: most vain.
VAIN adj. filled with undue admiration for oneself.
VASTIERvastier adj. Comparative form of vasty: more vasty.
VASTY adj. (archaic) vast; immense.
VERITASveritas n. Truth, particularly of a transcendent character.
VERITAS n. (Latin) truth.
VISTAEDvistaed adj. Having or forming a vista or vistas.
vistaed adj. Observed in or as if in a figurative vista.
VISTA v. to make into, or see into, vistas.
WAVIESTwaviest adj. Superlative form of wavy: most wavy.
WAVY adj. having waves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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