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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, E, L, 2P and S

APPEALSappeals n. Plural of appeal.
appeals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appeal.
APPEAL v. to make an earnest request.
APPLETSapplets n. Plural of applet.
APPLET n. a small single-purpose add-on computer program.
APPLIESapplies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of apply.
APPLY v. to bring to bear.
APPULSEappulse n. An energetic movement towards or against something; a push, a strike.
appulse n. (Astronomy) A close approach of two heavenly bodies; a conjunction or occultation.
APPULSE n. the close approach of a planet or asteroid to a star without the occurrence of an eclipse.
DAPPLESdapples n. Plural of dapple.
dapples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dapple.
DAPPLE v. to mark with spots.
LAPPELSlappels n. Plural of lappel.
LAPPEL n. an extension of the collar of a garment, also LAPEL.
LAPPERSlappers n. Plural of lapper.
lappers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lapper.
Lappers prop.n. Plural of Lapper.
LAPPETSlappets n. Plural of lappet.
LAPPET n. a fold or flap on a garment or headdress worn by priest.
LAPPIESlappies n. Plural of lappy.
lappies n. Plural of lappie.
LAPPIE n. (South African) a rag or piece of cloth, also LAPJE.
PAPULESpapules n. Plural of papule.
PAPULE n. a pimple, also PAPULA.
RAPPELSrappels n. Plural of rappel.
rappels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rappel.
RAPPEL v. (French) to descend from a steep height by means of a rope.
SAPPLEDSAPPLE v. (Scots) to wash clothes by hand in soapy water.
SAPPLESsapples n. (Scotland) soapsuds.
SAPPLE v. (Scots) to wash clothes by hand in soapy water.
SCAPPLEscapple v. (Transitive) To work roughly, or shape without finishing, as stone before leaving the quarry.
scapple v. (Transitive) To dress (e.g. stone) in any way short of fine tooling or rubbing.
SCAPPLE v. to work stone smoothly, without smoothing to a finish, also SCABBLE.
SLAPPEDslapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of slap.
SLAP v. to strike with the open hand.
SLAPPERslapper n. (Countable) One who, or that which, slaps.
slapper n. (Countable, UK, Ireland, slang) A prostitute.
slapper n. (Countable, UK, Ireland, Australia, slang) A woman of loose morals.
STAPPLESTAPPLE n. the stem of a tobacco pipe.
UPLEAPSupleaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of upleap.
UPLEAP v. to leap up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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