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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, B, L, O and R

ABLATORSablators n. Plural of ablator.
ABLATOR n. a substance undergoing ablation, e.g. in a heat-shield.
ABNORMALabnormal adj. Not conforming to rule or system; deviating from the usual or normal type.
abnormal adj. Of or pertaining to that which is irregular, in particular, behaviour that deviates from norms of social…
abnormal n. A person or object that is not normal.
ABORALLYaborally adv. In an aboral way; away from the mouth.
ABORALLY adv. away from the mouth.
ADORABLEadorable adj. Befitting of being adored; cute or loveable.
ADORABLE adj. worthy of being adored.
ADORABLYadorably adv. In an adorable manner.
ADORABLE adv. worthy of being adored.
ALBACOREalbacore n. A longfin tuna, a large marine fish (Thunnus alalunga) of warm seas, having edible flesh.
ALBACORE n. (Arabic) a large tuna fish, also ALBICORE.
ALGAROBAalgaroba n. The carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region.
algaroba n. The edible beans or pods of the carob; St. John’s bread.
algaroba n. The honey mesquite (Prosopis juliflora), a small tree found from California to Buenos Aires.
ALLOBARSallobars n. Plural of allobar.
ALLOBAR n. a change in barometric pressure.
ARBOREALarboreal adj. Of, relating to, or resembling a tree.
arboreal adj. Living in or among trees.
arboreal adj. Covered or filled with trees.
BALMORALbalmoral n. A Scottish cap with a flat top and a plume but no brim; a blue bonnet.
balmoral n. A heavy walking shoe.
balmoral n. (US) An Oxford shoe.
BARBOLASBARBOLA n. an ornamentation of small flowers, fruit etc. made of plastic paste and coloured.
BARONIALbaronial adj. Belonging or relating to a baron or barons.
baronial adj. Suitable for a baron.
BARONIAL adj. relating to a baron or barony.
BRACIOLAbraciola n. A slice of pan-fried or grilled meat, cooked in its own juice or in a small amount of olive oil.
BRACIOLA n. (Italian) a thin slice of meat, also BRACIOLE.
BRESAOLAbresaola n. Air-dried salt-cured beef fillet that has been aged about 2-3 months until it becomes very hard and…
BRESAOLA n. salt-cured, air-dried beef, served thinly sliced with oil, lemon juice and black pepper.
LABRADORlabrador n. A Labrador retriever.
Labrador prop.n. The mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador, in Eastern Canada.
Labrador prop.n. (Chiefly historical) The geographical region including Labrador in sense 1, as well as neighbouring…
LAPBOARDlapboard n. A board held on the lap as a simple lap desk.
LAPBOARD n. a board used on the lap as a substitute for a table, as by tailors.
LARBOARDlarboard n. (Archaic, nautical) The left side of a ship, looking from the stern forward to the bow; port side.
LARBOARD n. the left-hand side of a ship.
PARABOLAparabola n. (Geometry) The conic section formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to a tangent…
parabola n. (Rhetoric) The explicit drawing of a parallel between two essentially dissimilar things, especially…
PARABOLA n. (Greek) a type of curve, one of the conic sections.
PARABOLEparabole n. (Rhetoric) similitude; comparison.
PARABOLE n. a rhetorical comparison.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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