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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, D, N and S

ADVANCESadvances n. Plural of advance.
advances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of advance.
ADVANCE v. to put forward, to go forward.
AIDANCESaidances n. Plural of aidance.
AIDANCE n. help.
ANTACIDSantacids n. Plural of antacid.
ANTACID n. a remedy for indigestion.
ASCIDIANascidian n. Any member of the class Ascidiacea (the sea squirts).
ASCIDIAN n. a sea-squirt or tunicate.
ASKANCEDaskanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of askance.
ASKANCE v. (Shakespeare) to turn aside, also ASKANT.
CABSTANDcabstand n. A place where taxis wait for passengers; a taxi rank.
CABSTAND n. a place where cabs await hire.
CADENZAScadenzas n. Plural of cadenza.
CADENZA n. (Italian) an elaborate musical passage.
CANDELAScandelas n. Plural of candela.
Candelas prop.n. Plural of Candela.
CANDELA n. a unit of luminous intensity.
CANDIDAScandidas n. Plural of candida.
CANDIDA n. (Latin) a parasitic, yeastlike fungus, that causes the infection candidiasis.
CANVASEDcanvased v. Simple past tense and past participle of canvas.
CANVAS v. to examine thoroughly, also CANVASS.
DRACENASDRACENA n. (Greek) a genus of liliaceous plants with woody stems and funnel-shaped flowers, also DRACAENA.
HANDCARShandcars n. Plural of handcar.
HANDCAR n. a hand-operated railroad car.
SANDARACsandarac n. (Mineralogy, archaic) Realgar; red sulphide of arsenic.
sandarac n. (Chemistry) A white or yellow resin obtained from a north African tree (Tetraclinis articulata), and…
sandarac n. Any tree from the genus Tetraclinis.
SCABLANDscabland n. (US, geography) High, flat land of igneous rock, with thin soil and deep channels formed by glaciers…
SCABLAND n. rocky land with little soil cover.
SCANDALSscandals n. Plural of scandal.
SCANDAL v. to defame.
SCANDIASSCANDIA n. an oxide of scandium.
SHADCHANshadchan n. Alternative form of shadchen.
SHADCHAN n. (Hebrew) a Jewish marriage broker, also SCHATCHEN, SHADKHAN.
WACONDASWACONDA n. (Native American) a supernatural force in Sioux belief, also WAHCONDA, WAKANDA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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