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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, E, R and U

ALARUMEDalarumed v. (Archaic, rare) simple past tense and past participle of alarum.
ALARUM v. (archaic) to alarm, also LARUM.
ARCUATEDarcuated adj. Alternative form of arcuate.
ARCUATED adj. arched like a bow, also ARCUATE.
AYURVEDAAyurveda n. Traditional Hindu alternative medicine, involving balancing three bodily humours of wind, bile, and phlegm.
AYURVEDA n. (Sanskrit) the traditional system of Indian medicine.
GRADUATEgraduate n. A person who is recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied…
graduate n. (US, Canada) A person who is recognized by a high school as having completed the requirements of a course…
graduate n. (Philippines) A person who is recognized as having completed any level of education.
GUARDAGEguardage n. (Obsolete) wardship.
GUARDAGE n. (Shakespeare) the state of being under a guardian.
MARAUDEDmarauded v. Simple past tense and past participle of maraud.
MARAUD v. to wander in search of plunder.
MARAUDERmarauder n. Someone who moves about in roving fashion looking for plunder.
marauder n. Any person who or thing which marauds.
MARAUDER n. one who marauds.
QUADRATEquadrate adj. Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
quadrate adj. Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
quadrate adj. (Archaic) Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
RADULATEradulate adj. (Zoology) Having a radula.
RADULATE adj. having a radula, a mollusc's tongue, that is studded with tiny teeth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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