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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, N, T and U

ABUNDANTabundant adj. Fully sufficient; found in copious supply; in great quantity; overflowing.
abundant adj. Richly supplied; wealthy; possessing in great quantity.
abundant adj. (Mathematics) Being an abundant number, i.e. less than the sum of all of its divisors except itself.
ADJUTANTadjutant n. (Military) A lower-ranking officer who assists a higher-ranking officer with administrative affairs.
adjutant n. An assistant.
adjutant n. (Zoology) Any bird of the genus Leptoptilos, a branch of the stork family (Ciconiidae) native to India…
ADJUVANTadjuvant adj. Helping; helpful; assisting. [from 16th c.].
adjuvant adj. (Medicine) Designating a supplementary form of treatment, especially a cancer therapy administered after…
adjuvant n. Someone who helps or facilitates; an assistant, a helper. [from 16th c.].
ADUNCATEaduncate adj. (Rare) curved inwards; hooked.
ADUNCATE adj. hooked, also ADUNC.
AVAUNTEDavaunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of avaunt.
AVAUNT v. (archaic) to advance.
GUARDANTguardant adj. (Heraldry, of an animal) Positioned with the body viewed from the side, but with the head turned toward the viewer.
guardant n. (Obsolete) A guardian.
GUARDANT n. a guardian, also GARDANT.
QUADRANTquadrant n. One of the four sections made by dividing an area with two perpendicular lines.
quadrant n. (Mathematics) One of the four regions of the Cartesian plane bounded by the x-axis and y-axis.
quadrant n. (Geometry) One fourth of a circle or disc; a sector with an angle of 90°.
TAMANDUAtamandua n. An anteater of the genus Tamandua.
Tamandua prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Myrmecophagidae – certain semi-arboreal anteaters, found from southern…
TAMANDUA n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDU.
TAMANDUStamandus n. Plural of tamandu.
TAMANDU n. (Tupi) a tropical American arboreal anteater having a dense furry coat, also TAMANDUA.
UNABATEDunabated adj. Continuing at full strength or intensity.
UNABATED adj. not made less in degree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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