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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2A, M, P, R and T

APTAMERSaptamers n. Plural of aptamer.
APTAMER n. any of various created RNA-based molecules with therapeutic properties.
CHAMPARTchampart n. (Historical) The division of the produce of land, the right of the feudal lord.
CHAMPART n. the division of the produce of land, the right of the feudal lord.
MALAPERTmalapert n. (Archaic) A cheeky, impudent, or saucy person.
malapert adj. (Archaic) Cheeky, impudent, saucy.
Malapert prop.n. (Obsolete) A personification of impudence or malapertness.
MANTRAPSmantraps n. Plural of mantrap.
man-traps n. Plural of man-trap.
MANTRAP n. a trap for catching men.
PARAMENTparament n. (Now historical) A type of elaborate robe especially as worn by someone in power or a religious official.
parament n. A liturgical hanging on and around the altar, as well as the cloth hanging from the pulpit and lectern.
parament n. A hanging or ornament of a room of state.
PASTRAMIpastrami n. A seasoned smoked cut of beef. Traditionally, this is made from a navel cut.
PASTRAMI n. (Yiddish) a highly seasoned smoked beef, also PASTROMI.
PATAMARSpatamars n. Plural of patamar.
PATAMAR n. (Portuguese) a vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon, also PATTAMAR.
PATTAMARpattamar n. Alternative form of patamar.
PATTAMAR n. (Portuguese) a vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon, also PATAMAR.
PERMATANpermatan n. (Colloquial) A perpetual tan.
perma-tan n. Alternative form of permatan.
PERMATAN n. a permanent tan.
PRIMATALprimatal adj. (Zoology, rare) Pertaining to primates.
primatal n. (Rare) A primate.
PRIMATAL n. any of an advanced order of mammals, also PRIMATE.
RAMPARTSramparts n. Plural of rampart.
RAMPART v. to furnish with a fortifying embankment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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