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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, F, L and S

BAFFLERSbafflers n. Plural of baffler.
BAFFLER n. a person who or thing which baffles.
BARFLIESbarflies n. Plural of barfly.
bar␣flies n. Plural of bar fly.
BARFLY n. a drinker who frequents bars.
BEEFALOSbeefalos n. Plural of beefalo.
BEEFALO n. a cross between a cow and a buffalo.
FABULISEfabulise v. Alternative form of fabulize.
FABULISE v. to write fables, also FABULIZE.
FEASIBLEfeasible adj. Able to be done in practice.
FEASIBLE adj. capable of being done.
FEASIBLYfeasibly adv. In a feasible manner.
FEASIBLE adv. capable of being done.
FILABEGSfilabegs n. Plural of filabeg.
FISHABLEfishable adj. (Of a species of fish) Able to be fished legally.
fishable adj. (Of a lake, pond etc.) Able to be fished in, able to be used for fishing.
fishable adj. (Of fishing equipment) Able to be used for fishing.
FLAMBEESflambees n. Plural of flambee.
flambees v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flambee.
FLAMBEE v. (French) to douse with liqueur and ignite, also FLAMBE.
FLATBEDSflatbeds n. Plural of flatbed.
flatbeds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flatbed.
FLATBED n. a lorry with a flat sideless tray.
FLEABAGSfleabags n. Plural of fleabag.
flea-bags n. Plural of flea-bag.
flea␣bags n. Plural of flea bag.
FLYBANESflybanes n. Plural of flybane.
FLYBANE n. a name for various poisonous plants.
LEAFBUDSleafbuds n. Plural of leafbud.
leaf␣buds n. Plural of leaf bud.
LEAFBUD n. a bud from which a leaf unfolds.
SURFABLEsurfable adj. Able to be surfed.
SURFABLE adj. able to be surfed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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