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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing A, B, E, L, P and T

ALPHABETalphabet n. The set of letters used when writing in a language.
alphabet n. A writing system in which letters represent phonemes. (Contrast e.g. logography, a writing system in…
alphabet n. (Computer science) A typically finite set of distinguishable symbols.
BALDPATEbaldpate n. A bald-headed person.
baldpate n. A bald head.
baldpate n. A bird, the American wigeon (Anas americana).
BEDPLATEbedplate n. (Engineering) The foundation framing or piece, by which the other parts are supported and held in place; the bed.
BEDPLATE n. a foundation framing or piece, by which the other parts are supported and held in place.
EPIBLASTepiblast n. (Biology, embryology) The outer layer of a blastula that, after gastrulation, becomes the ectoderm.
EPIBLAST n. the external layer of an embryo, also ECTODERM, EXODERM.
PANTABLEpantable n. Alternative form of pantofle.
PANTABLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTOFFLE, PANTOFLE, PANTOUFLE.
PARTIBLEpartible adj. Divisible, able to be divided or partitioned.
partible adj. Pertaining to property that can be divided between heirs on inheritance, or to an inheritance system…
PARTIBLE adj. divisible.
PETTABLEpettable adj. Suitable for petting.
PETTABLE adj. able to be petted.
PHABLETSphablets n. Plural of phablet.
PHABLET n. a handheld personal computer between a smartphone and a tablet in size and which combines features of both, also FABLET.
PINTABLEpintable n. A pinball table.
PINTABLE n. a pinball machine.
PITIABLEpitiable adj. That deserves, evokes or can be given pity; pitiful.
PITIABLE adj. arousing pity.
PLUMBATEplumbate n. (Chemistry) Any compound containing the plumbate ion PbO32- or Pb(OH)62-.
PLUMBATE n. a salt of plumbic acid.
PORTABLEportable adj. Able to be carried or easily moved.
portable adj. Able to be transferred from one organization to another.
portable adj. (Computing) Of software: able to be run on multiple hardware or operating systems.
POTABLESpotables n. Potable liquids.
potables n. Beverages.
POTABLE n. a liquid suitable for drinking.
POTTABLEpottable adj. (Billiards, snooker) In billiards, pool, or snooker: able to be potted.
pottable adj. (Horticulture) Suitable for planting in a pot.
POTTABLE adj. capable of being potted.
PUBERTALpubertal adj. Of or pertaining to puberty.
PUBERTAL adj. of or pertaining to puberty, also PUBERAL.
TABLETOPtabletop n. (Furniture) The flat, horizontal upper surface of a table.
tabletop n. (Skateboarding) A fixed item resembling a table, used for performing skateboarding tricks.
tabletop n. (Photography, advertising) A photograph of an object or product placed on a table.
TAPEABLEtapeable adj. Capable of being recorded onto tape.
TAPEABLE adj. able to be taped.
TAPPABLEtappable adj. Capable of being tapped.
tappable adj. (Slang) Sexually attractive.
TAPPABLE adj. able to be tapped.
TIPPABLEtippable adj. Capable of being tipped or tilted.
tippable adj. (Of a job, etc.) Eligible to receive tips or gratuities.
TIPPABLE adj. capable of being tipped.
TYPEABLEtypeable adj. Capable of being identified as a particular type, particularly by automatic means.
typeable adj. (Particularly of a writing system) Capable of being typed on a keyboard.
TYPEABLE adj. that can be typed, also TYPABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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