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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, B, N, 2O and T

ABORTIONabortion n. (Medicine) The expulsion from the womb of a foetus or embryo before it is fully developed, with loss…
abortion n. (Now rare) An aborted foetus; an abortus.
abortion n. (Figuratively) A misshapen person or thing; a monstrosity.
BATOONEDbatooned v. Simple past tense and past participle of batoon.
BATOON v. to strike with a truncheon, also BATON.
BOLTONIAboltonia n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Boltonia of plants in the sunflower family.
BOLTONIA n. a tall perennial flower of the eastern US, aka false aster.
BONIATOSboniatos n. Plural of boniato.
BONIATO n. a sweet potato.
JOBATIONjobation n. An extensive rebuke or telling-off; a long criticism or admonitory lecture.
JOBATION n. a long, tedious rebuke or harangue, also JAWBATION.
JOHNBOATjohnboat n. A flat-bottomed boat with a very shallow draft, whose bow and stern are both squared off.
JOHNBOAT n. a narrow square-ended boat.
LOBATIONlobation n. The quality of having lobes.
lobation n. The growth, or formation of lobes.
lobation n. A lobe, or something shaped like a lobe.
LONGBOATlongboat n. (Nautical) Among the boats carried by a ship the largest, thus the most capable of boats carried on a ship.
LONGBOAT n. a Viking ship, also LONGSHIP.
NANOBOTSnanobots n. Plural of nanobot.
NANOBOT n. a microscopically small robot.
OBLATIONoblation n. The offering of worship, thanks etc. to a deity.
oblation n. (By extension) A deed or gift offered charitably.
Oblation prop.n. The offering of bread and wine at the Eucharist.
ROBORANTroborant adj. That strengthens or energizes.
roborant n. A restorative tonic.
ROBORANT n. an invigorating drug.
TABOOINGtabooing v. Present participle of taboo.
tabooing n. The imposition of a taboo.
TABOO v. (Tongan) to exclude or prohibit by social influence, also TABU.
TOBOGGANtoboggan n. A long sled without runners, with the front end curled upwards, which may be pulled across snow by a…
toboggan n. (Canada, US) A similar sled of wood, pulled by dogs, possibly with steel runners, made to transport cargo.
toboggan n. (Figurative) Something which, once it starts going (figuratively) downhill, is unstoppable until it…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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