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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, E, H and 2N

CHACONNEchaconne n. A slow, stately Baroque dance.
chaconne n. (Music) The music for such a dance, often containing variations on a theme.
CHACONNE n. (French) a Spanish baroque dance in triple time.
CHAINMENchainmen n. Plural of chainman.
CHAINMAN n. a surveyor's assistant.
CHANNELSchannels n. Plural of channel.
channels n. Formal lines of command and procedure.
channels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of channel.
CHANNERSchanners n. Plural of channer.
Channers prop.n. Plural of Channer.
CHANNER n. (Scots) gravel, shingle.
CHINAMENchinamen n. Plural of chinaman.
Chinamen n. Plural of Chinaman.
CHINAMAN n. a tricky ball bowled by a left handed bowler.
CYNANCHEcynanche n. (Medicine) Any disease of the tonsils, throat, or windpipe, attended with inflammation, swelling, and…
CYNANCHE n. (Greek) any inflammatory disease of the throat, etc.
ENCHAINSenchains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enchain.
ENCHAIN v. to bind with chains.
ENCHANTSenchants v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enchant.
ENCHANT v. to delight.
ENHANCEDenhanced adj. In a version or form that has been improved or made better than some other standard form.
enhanced adj. Raised up, amplified.
enhanced adj. (Bodybuilding, euphemistic) Having suffered the use of anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing drugs.
ENHANCERenhancer n. Something that enhances.
enhancer n. (Genetics) A short region of DNA that can increase transcription of genes.
ENHANCER n. one who enhances.
ENHANCESenhances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of enhance.
ENHANCE v. to raise in value or quality.
HENCHMANhenchman n. A loyal and trusted follower or subordinate.
henchman n. A person who supports a political figure chiefly out of selfish interests.
henchman n. An assistant member of a criminal gang.
NANOTECHnanotech n. Abbreviation of nanotechnology.
NANOTECH n. the art of manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular scale esp. to build microscopic devices (as robots), also NANOTECHNOLOGY.
PANCHEONpancheon n. (Now UK regional) A shallow dish used to stand milk while the cream separates, or in which to bake bread.
PANCHEON n. a wide-brimmed, shallow vessel into which milk was poured and left to settle, so that the cream could separate, also PANCHION, PUNCHEON.
PENCHANTpenchant n. Taste, liking, or inclination (for).
penchant n. (Card games, uncountable) A card game resembling bezique.
penchant n. (Card games) In the game of penchant, any queen and jack of different suits held at the same time.
RANCHMENranchmen n. Plural of ranchman.
RANCHMAN n. one who works on or owns a ranch.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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