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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, C, L, M, R and U

CHARMFULcharmful adj. Abounding with charms.
CHARMFUL adj. full of charm.
CLAMOURSclamours n. Plural of clamour.
clamours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of clamour.
CLAMOUR v. to make a loud outcry, also CLAMOR.
COLUMNARcolumnar adj. Having the shape of a column.
columnar adj. Constructed with columns.
COLUMNAR adj. in the form of a column.
CORALLUMcorallum n. (Zoology) The coral or skeleton of a zoophyte, whether calcareous or horny, simple or compound.
CORALLUM n. (Latin) the skeleton of a coral colony.
CRAMFULLcram-full adj. Completely filled; crammed full.
CRAMFULL adj. completely full.
CROTALUMcrotalum n. (Music) A kind of clapper or castanet used in religious dances by groups in Ancient Greece (including…
CROTALUM n. (Latin) a clapper or castanet used in ancient religious rites.
CRUMENALCRUMENAL n. (Spenser) a purse.
MACRURALmacrural adj. (Zoology) macrurous.
MACRURAL adj. long-tailed, also MACRUROUS.
MULTICARmulticar adj. Using or involving multiple cars.
MULTICAR adj. involving several cars.
MUSCULARmuscular adj. (Relational) Of, relating to, or connected with muscles.
muscular adj. Brawny, thewy, having strength.
muscular adj. Having large, well-developed muscles.
SCALPRUMscalprum n. A toothed raspatory used in trephining and in removing carious bone.
scalprum n. A large strong scalpel.
SCALPRUM n. (Latin) a surgeon's rasping instrument.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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