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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, C, L, O, R and V

ARVICOLEarvicole n. (Zoology, dated) field mouse (US, Canada), vole.
ARVICOLE n. (Latin) a mouse of the genus Arvicola, the fieldmouse.
CAVALEROcavalero n. (Obsolete) A cavalier.
CAVALERO n. a horseman, also CABALLERO.
CAVEOLARcaveolar adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the caveolae.
CAVEOLAR adj. relating to a caveola, a tiny pit in a cell membrane.
CORIVALScorivals n. Plural of corival.
CORIVAL v. to rival.
CORRIVALcorrival n. A fellow rival; a competitor; a rival.
corrival n. (Archaic) A companion.
corrival adj. Having rivaling claims; emulous; in rivalry.
COVERALLcoverall n. (Chiefly US) A loose-fitting protective garment worn over other clothing.
COVERALL n. one-piece protective clothing.
LAVEROCKlaverock n. Alternative form of lark (“the bird”).
LAVEROCK n. (Scots) a songbird, the lark, also LAVROCK.
LAVEROCK v. to catch larks.
LAVROCKSlavrocks n. Plural of lavrock.
LAVROCK n. (Scots) a skylark, also LAVEROCK.
LOCAVORElocavore n. One who tries to eat only locally grown foods.
LOCAVORE n. a person who will eat only food produced locally.
NOVERCALnovercal adj. Of or pertaining to a stepmother.
NOVERCAL adj. pertaining to a stepmother.
OVERCALLovercall v. (Poker, bridge) To call a bet after another player has already called.
overcall v. (Medicine) To diagnose a condition that does not, in fact, exist.
overcall n. (Poker, bridge) A call which occurs after another player has already called.
OVERCLADoverclad adj. Wearing more clothing than is necessary.
overclad v. (Transitive) To cover the surface of, as if with clothing.
overclad v. (Transitive) To cover with insulation or cladding.
VACUOLARvacuolar adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing vacuoles.
VACUOLAR adj. relating to a vacuole, a cellular cavity.
VALPROICvalproic adj. Of or pertaining to valproic acid or its derivatives.
VALPROIC adj. as in valproic acid, used to treat seizures.
VICTROLAvictrola n. Any upright or console model phonograph from the early 1900s, usually with a wooden cabinet body and…
Victrola n. A brand-name model of phonograph and phonograph records manufactured and sold by the Victor Talking…
VICTROLA n. (tradename) a type of gramophone.
VORTICALvortical adj. Of or pertaining to a vortex; containing vortices; moving in a vortex.
VORTICAL adj. like a vortex, whirling, also VORTICOSE, VORTICULAR, VORTIGINOUS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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