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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing A, D, I, 2O and R

CORACOIDcoracoid n. (Anatomy) Part of the scapula that projects towards the sternum in mammals; the coracoid process.
coracoid n. (Anatomy) A small bone linking the scapula and sternum in birds, reptiles and some other vertebrates.
coracoid adj. Hooked like the beak of a crow.
DOORNAILdoornail n. A nail with a wide head, traditionally used in the construction and ornamentation of wooden doors.
door-nail n. Alternative form of doornail.
door␣nail n. Alternative form of doornail.
IDOLATORidolator n. Alternative spelling of idolater.
IDOLATOR n. one that worships idols, also IDOLATER.
MAINDOORMAINDOOR n. the principal door of an establishment.
MODIOLARmodiolar adj. Shaped like a bushel measure.
modiolar adj. (Anatomy, not comparable) Related to the modiolus.
MODIOLAR adj. pertaining to the modiolus.
PAROTOIDparotoid adj. (Anatomy) Resembling the parotid gland; applied especially to cutaneous glandular elevations above the…
parotoid n. (Anatomy) A parotoid gland.
PAROTOID n. any of various glands which form warty excrescences behind the eyes in some amphibians, esp. toads.
RIGADOONrigadoon n. (Dance) A quickstep dance for two people.
rigadoon n. (Music) The music for this dance.
rigadoon n. (Historical) Formerly in the French army, the beat of a drum while culprits were being marched to punishment.
TANDOORItandoori adj. (Of food) Cooked in a tandoor.
tandoori n. (Of food) A dish that was cooked in a tandoor.
TANDOORI n. (Hindi) a type of Indian cooking in which meat, vegetables etc. are baked over charcoal in a clay oven, also TANDOOR.
TOROIDALtoroidal adj. Having the shape of a torus or toroid.
TOROIDAL adj. like a toroid, shaped like a doughnut or anchor-ring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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