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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing A, E, G, I, T and V

AGENTIVEagentive adj. (Linguistics) Indicating an agent or agency (as -er in lexicographer).
agentive adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to a grammatical agent that performs the action of the verb.
agentive n. (Linguistics) A word having an agentive construction.
AVERTINGaverting v. Present participle of avert.
AVERT v. to ward off.
DIVAGATEdivagate v. (Intransitive) To wander about.
divagate v. (Intransitive) To stray from a subject or theme.
DIVAGATE v. to wander or stray from a course or subject.
ERGATIVEergative adj. (Grammar) With the subject of a transitive construction having grammatical cases or thematic relations…
ergative n. Ellipsis of ergative case (“a grammatical case used to indicate the agent of a transitive verb in ergative-absolutive…
ergative n. An ergative verb or other expression.
GRIEVANTgrievant n. One who submits a grievance.
GRIEVANT n. one that submits a complaint for arbitration.
LEVIGATElevigate v. (Transitive) To make smooth or polish.
levigate v. (Transitive) To make into a smooth paste or fine powder.
levigate v. (Transitive) To separate finer grains from coarser ones by suspension in a liquid.
LIGATIVEligative adj. (Grammar) Serving to connect separate elements.
LIGATIVE adj. acting as a ligature.
NAVIGATEnavigate v. (Transitive) To plan, control and record the position and course of a vehicle, ship, aircraft, etc…
navigate v. (Intransitive) To give directions, as from a map, to someone driving a vehicle.
navigate v. (Intransitive) To travel over water in a ship; to sail.
NEGATIVEnegative adj. Not positive nor neutral.
negative adj. (Physics) Of electrical charge of an electron and related particles.
negative adj. (Mathematics) Of a number: less than zero.
RAVIGOTEravigote n. A lightly acidic sauce in French cuisine, based on a vegetable or meat broth strongly seasoned with herbs.
RAVIGOTE n. (French) a spicy vinegar sauce, also RAVIGOTTE.
TAVERINGTAVER v. (Scots) to wander, rave, also TAIVER.
VAGINATEvaginate adj. Vaginated.
vaginate v. (Transitive) To ensheathe; to enclose in a sheath.
VAGINATE adj. invested with, or as if with, a sheath, also VAGINATED.
VALETINGvaleting v. Present participle of valet.
VALETING n. the act of being a valet.
VESTIGIAvestigia n. Plural of vestigium.
VESTIGIUM n. (Latin) a trace, a vestige.
VINTAGEDvintaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of vintage.
VINTAGE v. to strip of grapes, also VINT.
VINTAGERvintager n. One who gathers the vintage, i.e. a grape harvester.
VINTAGER n. one that harvests wine grapes.
VINTAGESvintages n. Plural of vintage.
VINTAGE v. to strip of grapes, also VINT.
VIRGATESvirgates n. Plural of virgate.
VIRGATE n. an early English land measure.
VITRAGESvitrages n. Plural of vitrage.
VITRAGE n. (French) a thin curtain for windows or glazed doors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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