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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, F, 2I, L and N

ANTILIFEantilife adj. (US, politics, derogatory) pro-choice.
antilife adj. (Derogatory) antinatalist; supporting the use of contraception to space or limit births.
antilife adj. (Derogatory) Supporting the death penalty in a particular case or in general.
FAILINGSfailings n. Plural of failing.
Failings prop.n. Plural of Failing.
FAILING n. a weakness.
FILARIANfilarian adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to filaria.
FILARIAN adj. relating to a filaria, a parasitic worm, also FILARIAL.
FINALISEfinalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of finalize.
FINALISE v. to completely finish, also FINALIZE.
FINALISMfinalism n. Teleology.
FINALISM n. belief that an end has been reached.
FINALISTfinalist n. Somebody or something that appears in the final stage of a competition.
finalist n. A university student in their final year of study.
finalist n. A university student during the period of sitting their final examinations (whether or not in their…
FINALITYfinality n. The state of being final; the condition from which no further changes occur.
FINALITY n. the state of being conclusive.
FINALIZEfinalize v. (Transitive) To make final or firm; to finish or complete.
finalize v. (Transitive, computing, programming) To prepare (an object) for garbage collection by calling its finalizer.
FINALIZE v. to completely finish, also FINALISE.
FINIALEDfinialed adj. Having a finial.
FINIALED adj. having a finial.
FLAILINGflailing v. Present participle of flail.
flailing n. A flailing action or motion.
FLAIL v. to thresh about.
NAILFILEnailfile n. Alternative form of nail file.
nail-file n. Alternative form of nail file.
nail␣file n. A small file made of soft metal, or a board covered with fine sandpaper, for filing and shaping one’s…
TAILFINStailfins n. Plural of tailfin.
tail␣fins n. Plural of tail fin.
TAILFIN n. a decorative projection at the back of a car.
UNFILIALunfilial adj. Not befitting or proper for a son.
UNFILIAL adj. not filial.
UNIFILARunifilar adj. Having or using only one thread.
unifilar adj. (Biochemistry, of DNA) single-stranded.
UNIFILAR adj. having only one thread, wire or fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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