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There are 14 eight-letter words containing A, F, 2I, N and T

AFFINITYaffinity n. A natural attraction or feeling of kinship to a person or thing.
affinity n. A family relationship through marriage of a relative (e.g. sister-in-law), as opposed to consanguinity (e.g. sister).
affinity n. A kinsman or kinswoman of a such relationship; one who is affinal.
ANTILIFEantilife adj. (US, politics, derogatory) pro-choice.
antilife adj. (Derogatory) antinatalist; supporting the use of contraception to space or limit births.
antilife adj. (Derogatory) Supporting the death penalty in a particular case or in general.
FAINITESfainites interj. (UK) A call for truce used in children’s games.
FAINITES interj. a plea for a truce.
FAINTIERfaintier adj. Comparative form of fainty: more fainty.
FAINTY adj. somewhat faint, also FAINTISH.
FAINTINGfainting v. Present participle of faint.
fainting n. An act of collapsing into a state of temporary unconsciousness.
FAINTING adj. in a fainting state.
FAINTISHfaintish adj. Somewhat faint.
FAINTISH adj. somewhat faint, also FAINTY.
FAITHINGfaithing n. Worship, practising faith.
FAITHING n. the act of believing.
FINALISTfinalist n. Somebody or something that appears in the final stage of a competition.
finalist n. A university student in their final year of study.
finalist n. A university student during the period of sitting their final examinations (whether or not in their…
FINALITYfinality n. The state of being final; the condition from which no further changes occur.
FINALITY n. the state of being conclusive.
FISTIANAfistiana n. Things related to the sport of boxing.
FISTIANA n. (facetious) anecdotes about boxers and boxing.
FIXATINGfixating v. Present participle of fixate.
FIXATE v. to make stable.
FIXATIONfixation n. The act of fixing.
fixation n. The state of being fixed or fixated.
fixation n. The act of uniting chemically with a solid substance or in a solid form; reduction to a non-volatile…
INTIFADAintifada n. Insurrection, a usually violent attempt to take control of a government.
intifada n. An uprising, resistant struggle or rebellious protest, especially the Palestinian uprisings against Israel.
INTIFADA n. (Arabic) the uprising in 1987 and continued resistance by Palestinians to Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of Jordan, also INTIFADAH, INTIFADEH.
TAILFINStailfins n. Plural of tailfin.
tail␣fins n. Plural of tail fin.
TAILFIN n. a decorative projection at the back of a car.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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