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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, I, O, 2R and V

CORRIVALcorrival n. A fellow rival; a competitor; a rival.
corrival n. (Archaic) A companion.
corrival adj. Having rivaling claims; emulous; in rivalry.
OVERHAIRoverhair n. The long hair overlying the fur of many animals.
OVERHAIR n. fur covering of some animals.
PROVIRALproviral adj. Of or pertaining to a provirus.
PROVIRAL adj. relating to a provirus, the form of a virus when it is integrated into the DNA of the host cell.
SAVORIERsavorier adj. Comparative form of savory: more savory.
SAVORY adj. (US) savoury.
VAPORIERVAPORY adj. full of vapors; vaporous, also VAPOURY.
VARIFORMvariform adj. That can take various forms.
VARIFORM adj. having various forms.
VARIOLARvariolar adj. (Medicine) variolous.
VARIOLAR adj. of or like variola, smallpox.
VARIORUMvariorum n. An edition of a written work (especially the complete works of a classical writer) showing the notes…
VARIORUM n. (Latin) an edition of a text that includes the notes of earlier scholars or editors.
VARISTORvaristor n. (Electronics) An electronic component having a variable resistance; used to protect circuits against power surges.
VARISTOR n. a semiconductor with resistance varying in accordance with voltage.
VIBRATORvibrator n. A device that vibrates or causes vibration.
VIBRATOR n. a type of dildo that can be made to vibrate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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