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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, I, R, T, U and Z

AZOTURIAazoturia n. (Medicine) An increase in the amount of nitrogenous material (such as urea) in the urine.
azoturia n. (Veterinary medicine) A condition that affects the muscles of horses, ranging from stiffness and mild…
AZOTURIA n. an excess of urea in the urine.
AZURITESazurites n. Plural of azurite.
AZURITE n. a blue carbonate of copper, aka blue malachite.
LAZURITElazurite n. (Mineralogy) A mineral of metamorphosed limestones. Lazurite forms the gemstone lapis lazuli, and crushed…
LAZURITE n. a blue cubic mineral, sodium aluminum silicate.
ZASTRUGIzastrugi n. Plural of zastruga; Alternative form of sastrugi.
ZASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also SASTRUGA.
ZIGGURATziggurat n. A temple tower of the ancient Mesopotamian valley, having the form of a terraced pyramid of successively…
ziggurat n. Any building with similar style or shape.
ZIGGURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIKKURAT, ZIKURAT.
ZIKKURATzikkurat n. Alternative spelling of ziggurat.
ZIKKURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIGGURAT, ZIKURAT.
ZIKURATSzikurats n. Plural of zikurat.
ZIKURAT n. a Babylonian temple tower, also ZIGGURAT, ZIKKURAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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