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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, L, M and T

ASPHALTUMasphaltum n. (Dated) asphalt.
ASPHALTUM n. (Greek) a mixture of bituminous pitch with sand etc. used for surfacing paths, roads, etc., also ASPHALT.
AZIMUTHALazimuthal adj. Of or pertaining to the azimuth; in a horizontal circle.
azimuthal adj. (Cartography) Describing a map projection which preserves direction for all points relative to a selected…
azimuthal n. (Cartography) An azimuthal projection.
LANTHANUMlanthanum n. (Uncountable) A chemical element (symbol La) with an atomic number of 57: a soft, ductile, silvery-white…
lanthanum n. (Countable) An atom of this element.
LANTHANUM n. a rare element of the group of the earth metals, allied to aluminium.
MALACHITEmalachite n. (Mineralogy) A bright green mineral, a basic copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2; one of the principal ores…
malachite n. A mild green colour, like that of the mineral.
malachite adj. Of a colour ranging from olive-taupe to a mild to deeply-rich (at times seemingly translucent) green…
MALATHIONmalathion n. An organophosphorus insecticide, Diethyl [(dimethoxyphosphinothioyl)-thio]butanedioate.
MALATHION n. (tradename) an insecticide.
MATCHABLEmatchable adj. Able to be matched.
matchable n. Something that can be matched.
MATCHABLE adj. capable of being matched.
MATCHPLAYmatchplay n. Alternative form of match play.
match␣play n. (Golf) A scoring system in which points are awarded for each hole won, as opposed to stroke play.
match␣play n. (Bowling) A knockout competition between two single bowlers.
METALHEADmetalhead n. (Informal) Someone who listens to (is a fan of) heavy metal music.
METALHEAD n. a fan of heavy metal music.
METHANALSmethanals n. Plural of methanal.
METHANAL n. formaldehyde.
NACHTMAALNachtmaal n. (South Africa) Eucharist.
NACHTMAAL n. (South African) a Dutch Reformed Church Sacrament, the Lord's Supper, also NAGMAAL.
STOMACHALstomachal adj. Of or relating to the stomach; gastric.
stomachal adj. (Obsolete) Helping the stomach; stomachic; cordial.
stomachal n. (Obsolete) A stomachic.
WHEATMEALwheatmeal n. Flour or meal derived from whole grains of wheat, often not finely ground.
WHEATMEAL n. wheat flour with some of the germ and bran removed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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