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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, K, N and T

ANTALKALIantalkali n. Any substance that counteracts the action of an alkali.
ANTALKALI n. a substance that neutralises alkalis.
ANTIBLACKantiblack adj. Hostile to black people, often specifically African Americans.
ANTIBLACK adj. against black people.
ANTICRACKanticrack adj. Preventing cracks in a structure.
anticrack adj. Opposing crack cocaine.
anticrack n. Volumetric collapse caused by compression, leading to localization of compaction or compacting shear bands.
ANTIMASKSantimasks n. Plural of antimask.
ANTIMASK n. a secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask, also ANTIMASQUE.
ANTIQUARKantiquark n. (Physics) The antiparticle of a quark.
ANTIQUARK n. the antimatter equivalent of a quark.
ANTISHAKEantishake adj. Acting to prevent shaking.
ANTISHAKE adj. denoting a technology that reduces the blurring caused by movement of the person taking a photograph.
ANTISHAKE n. a system that uses antishake technology.
ANTISHARKantishark adj. Preventing attacks by sharks.
ANTISHARK adj. designed to keep away sharks.
ANTWACKIEANTWACKIE adj. old-fashioned.
ARTMAKINGartmaking n. The production of art.
ARTMAKING n. the process of making art.
ASKANTINGaskanting v. Present participle of askant.
ASKANT v. (Shakespeare) to turn aside, also ASKANCE.
ATTACKINGattacking adj. Carrying out an attack.
attacking v. Present participle of attack.
ATTACK v. to set upon violently.
ATTASKINGattasking v. Present participle of attask.
ATTASK v. to take to task.
CATKINATECATKINATE adj. like catkin.
CRANKBAITcrankbait n. (Fishing) A kind of fishing lure.
CRANKBAIT n. a fishing lure with a shape that enables it to dive and stay under water.
KATCHINASkatchinas n. Plural of katchina.
KATCHINA n. (Native American) a doll representing rain-bringing Hopi ancestors, also KACHINA, KATCINA, KATSINA.
NASTALIKSNASTALIK n. (Arabic) a Persian cursive script, having long horizontal strokes and rounded characters.
PARTAKINGpartaking v. Present participle of partake.
partaking n. The act of taking part in something.
partaking n. (Archaic) An act of taking sides; partiality.
PONTIANAKpontianak n. (Countable) A female vampiric ghost in Malaysian and Indonesian mythology, said to be the spirit of…
pontianak n. Alternative form of pontianac (“fossil resin”).
Pontianak prop.n. A city in, and the capital of, West Kalimantan province in Indonesia.
TAIKONAUTtaikonaut n. A person who travels in space for the Chinese space program; a Chinese astronaut.
TAIKONAUT n. a Chinese astronaut.
TIKINAGANtikinagan n. An Algonquin cradleboard.
TIKINAGAN n. (Native American) a thin board to which an infant is strapped so that it can be transported on its mother's back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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