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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, D, I and N

ABDICANTSabdicants n. Plural of abdicant.
ABDICANT n. one who abdicates.
ABDUCTINGabducting v. Present participle of abduct.
ABDUCT v. to carry someone away with force; to kidnap.
ABDUCTIONabduction n. Leading away; a carrying away.
abduction n. (Anatomy) The act of abducing or abducting; a drawing apart; the movement which separates a limb or…
abduction n. (Logic) A syllogism or form of argument in which the major premise is evident, but the minor is only probable.
ABIDANCESabidances n. Plural of abidance.
ABIDANCE n. the act of abiding.
ABSCINDEDabscinded v. Simple past tense and past participle of abscind.
ABSCIND v. to cut off.
BACKWINDSbackwinds n. Plural of backwind.
BACKWIND v. to deflect airflow into the back of a sail.
BALCONIEDbalconied adj. That has a balcony attached.
BALCONIED adj. having a balcony.
BALDACHINbaldachin n. Alternative spelling of baldacchin.
BALDACHIN n. a rich embroidered material, originally woven with woof of silk and warp of gold thread, also BALDACHINO, BALDAQUIN, BAUDEKIN, BAWDKIN.
BANDICOOTbandicoot n. A small Australian marsupial with a distinctive long snout, of the family Peramelidae (with the exception…
bandicoot n. Any of several rat-like rodents of the genera Bandicota and Nesokia of southeast Asia.
bandicoot v. (Australia, informal) To steal growing vegetables from a garden.
BRACONIDSbraconids n. Plural of braconid.
BRACONID n. any of a family of parasitic wasps.
BROCADINGbrocading n. The pattern or decoration made by brocading.
brocading v. Present participle of brocade.
BROCADE v. (French) to weave a silky fabric with a raised design.
CORNBRAIDCORNBRAID v. to braid hair in cornrows, also CORNROW.
DECARBINGdecarbing v. Present participle of decarb.
DECARB v. to decarbonise.
DISBRANCHdisbranch v. (Transitive) To remove a branch or branches.
disbranch v. (Intransitive) To tear away; to break off.
DISBRANCH v. to divest of a branch or branches.
DUBITANCYdubitancy n. Doubt; uncertainty.
DUBITANCY n. (obsolete) doubt.
ENDAMEBICENDAMEBIC adj. like an endameba, a parasitic amoeba, also ENDAMOEBIC.
INCUBATEDincubated v. Simple past tense and past participle of incubate.
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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