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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, L, P and Y

ALBESPYNEalbespyne n. Alternative form of albespine.
ALBESPYNE n. (archaic) hawthorn, also ALBESPINE.
BIPEDALLYbipedally adv. In the manner of an animal that walks on two feet, two legs.
BIPEDAL adv. having two feet.
BLASPHEMYblasphemy n. An act of irreverence or contempt toward a god or toward something considered sacred; an impious act…
blasphemy n. (By extension) An act of irreverence towards anything considered inviolable; the act of disregarding a convention.
BLASPHEMY n. impious speech.
HYPERBOLAhyperbola n. (Geometry) A conic section formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane that intersects the base…
HYPERBOLA n. a type of mathematical curve.
PEACEABLYpeaceably adv. In a peaceable manner.
PEACEABLE adv. inclined to peace.
PERMEABLYpermeably adv. In a permeable manner.
PERMEABLE adv. allowing a gas or liquid to pass through.
PLAYBUSESplaybuses n. Plural of playbus.
PLAYBUS n. a mobile playground.
PROVEABLYproveably adv. Alternative spelling of provably.
PROVEABLE adv. that can be proved, also PROVABLE.
REPARABLYreparably adv. In a reparable manner.
REPARABLE adv. that can be repaired.
REPAYABLErepayable adj. Able to be repaid.
repayable adj. (Business, of a debt) to be repaid; owing.
repayable n. An amount, a loan, etc. to be repaid.
REPUTABLYreputably adv. In a reputable manner.
REPUTABLE adv. of good repute.
SEPARABLYseparably adv. Such that it can be separated.
SEPARABLE adv. that can be separated.
SUPERABLYSUPERABLE adv. capable of being overcome or conquered.
TALBOTYPEtalbotype n. An early photograph produced on paper coated with silver iodide.
TALBOTYPE n. (tradename) a method of taking photographic pictures, on paper sensitized with iodide of silver, aka calotype, kalotype.
UNPAYABLEunpayable adj. That cannot be paid.
unpayable adj. Of a mine etc.: not able to yield profit; unprofitable.
UNPAYABLE adj. that cannot be payed.
UNTYPABLEuntypable adj. Not typable.
UNTYPABLE adj. that cannot be typed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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