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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, H, I, O and T

ABBOTSHIPabbotship n. The state, term, or office of an abbot; abbacy.
ABBOTSHIP n. the office of an abbot (the head of a monastery).
AITCHBONEaitchbone n. A cut of beef lying above the rump bone.
aitchbone n. The rump bone itself.
aitch-bone n. Alternative form of aitchbone.
BATHOLITEbatholite n. (Obsolete) Synonym of batholith.
BATHOLITE n. a mass of igneous rock that has risen from a great depth, also BATHOLITH, BATHYLITE, BATHYLITH.
BATHOLITHbatholith n. (Geology) A large irregular mass of intrusive igneous rock that has melted or forced itself into surrounding strata.
BATHOLITH n. a mass of igneous rock that has risen from a great depth, also BATHOLITE, BATHYLITE, BATHYLITH.
BIATHLONSbiathlons n. Plural of biathlon.
BIATHLON n. a competition in cross-country skiing and shooting.
COHABITEDcohabited v. Simple past tense and past participle of cohabit.
COHABIT v. to dwell together as husband and wife.
COHABITEEcohabitee n. A person who cohabits with another.
COHABITEE n. one who is cohabited with.
COHABITERcohabiter n. One who cohabits; a cohabitant.
COHABITER n. one who cohabits, also COHABITOR.
COHABITORcohabitor n. One who cohabits.
COHABITOR n. one who cohabits, also COHABITER.
FISHBOATSfishboats n. Plural of fishboat.
FISHBOAT n. a watercraft used for fishing.
HALOBIONThalobiont n. (Biology) an organism that lives in a salty environment.
HALOBIONT n. an organism living in a salt environment.
INHABITORinhabitor n. One who inhabits.
INHABITOR n. one who inhabits, also INHABITER.
ISOBATHICisobathic adj. Of the same depth.
isobathic adj. Of or relating to an isobath.
ISOBATHIC adj. relating to isobaths, contour lines connecting points of equal underwater depth.
RABBITOHSrabbit-ohs n. Plural of rabbit-oh.
RABBITOH n. (Australian slang) an itinerant seller of rabbits for eating, also RABBITO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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