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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, D, N, O, P and U

ANEUPLOIDaneuploid adj. (Genetics) Having a number of chromosomes that is not a multiple of the haploid number.
aneuploid n. A cell or an organism having such a number of chromosomes.
ANEUPLOID n. a cell or individual with missing or extra chromosomes.
AUDIPHONEaudiphone n. An instrument which, placed against the teeth, conveys sound to the auditory nerve and enables the deaf…
AUDIPHONE n. an instrument which, pressed against the teeth, communicates sounds through the bones to the ears.
NAUPLIOIDnauplioid adj. Resembling a nauplius.
NAUPLIOID adj. shaped like a nauplius, a larval form in crustaceans.
PANDEROUSpanderous adj. Resembling or relating to a pander.
PANDEROUS adj. of or relating to a pander.
PAULDRONSpauldrons n. Plural of pauldron.
PAULDRON n. a shoulder plate for armour, also PULDRON.
PLANULOIDplanuloid adj. (Zoology) Resembling a planula.
PLANULOID adj. of or like a planula, a free-swimming, two-layered, often flattened larva of coelenterates etc.
POUNDAGESpoundages n. Plural of poundage.
POUNDAGE n. a charge for keeping stray cattle.
POUNDCAKEpoundcake n. Alternative spelling of pound cake.
pound␣cake n. (US) A dense yellow cake, the traditional recipe for which consists of equal quantities (nominally one…
pound␣cake n. (Slang) A term of attraction or desire.
SANDSPOUTsandspout n. A spout-like formation of sand raised by a whirlwind.
sand-spout n. Alternative form of sandspout.
SANDSPOUT n. a moving pillar of sand drawn up in a whirlwind.
UNADOPTEDunadopted adj. Not adopted.
unadopted v. Simple past tense and past participle of unadopt.
UNADOPTED adj. not adopted.
UPLOADINGuploading v. Present participle of upload.
uploading n. The process by which something is uploaded.
UPLOAD v. to transfer information to a larger computer.
WRAPROUNDwrapround adj. Synonym of wraparound.
wrapround n. Synonym of wraparound.
wrap-round adj. Alternative form of wrapround.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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