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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, N, O and V

EVAGATIONevagation n. A wandering about; excursion; a roving.
EVAGATION n. wandering; digression.
EVOCATINGevocating v. Present participle of evocate.
EVOCATE v. to evoke.
GOVERNALLGOVERNALL n. (Spenser) government.
GRANIVOREgranivore n. Any animal that eats seeds as the main part of its diet.
GRANIVORE n. an eater of grain.
HANGOVERShangovers n. Plural of hangover.
HANGOVER n. the physical effects of a drinking binge.
LONGAEVALlongaeval adj. Alternative form of longeval.
LONGAEVAL adj. long-lived, also LONGEVAL.
MANGROVESmangroves n. Plural of mangrove.
MANGROVE n. any of various tropical trees or shrubs with interlacing aerial roots.
OVERAWINGoverawing v. Present participle of overawe.
OVERAWE v. to subdue by inspiring awe.
OVERGANGSovergangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overgang.
overgangs n. Plural of overgang.
OVERGANG v. (Scots) to dominate; to overspread.
OVERGRAINovergrain v. (Art) To apply an additional layer of colour to graining, or imitation woodgrain.
OVERGRAIN v. in painting, to grain over a surface already grained.
OVERHANGSoverhangs n. Plural of overhang.
overhangs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overhang.
OVERHANG v. to protrude over.
REAVOWINGreavowing v. Present participle of reavow.
REAVOW v. to vow again.
VAGINOSESvaginoses n. Plural of vaginosis.
VAGINOSIS n. a bacterial vaginal infection.
VARGUENOSvarguenos n. Plural of vargueno.
VARGUENO n. (Spanish) a cabinet or desk of a kind made at Vargas near Toledo.
VENOGRAMSvenograms n. Plural of venogram.
VENOGRAM n. an X-ray of a vein.
VOISINAGEVOISINAGE n. (obsolete) a neighbourhood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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