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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, E, G, R, U and V

BURGRAVESburgraves n. Plural of burgrave.
BURGRAVE n. (historical) the commander of a German town or castle.
GYROVAGUEgyrovague n. (Obsolete) A wandering monk having no fixed monastery, as exemplified in the Rule of St. Benedict.
GYROVAGUE n. a monk who travels from one place to another.
PURGATIVEpurgative adj. (Capable of) purging.
purgative n. Something, such as a substance or medicine, that purges; laxative.
PURGATIVE adj. serving to purge.
QUAVERINGquavering v. Present participle of quaver.
quavering adj. Trembling, or prone to trembling and shaking.
quavering n. The act of something that quavers.
REVALUINGrevaluing v. Present participle of revalue.
REVALUE v. to value again.
UNAVERAGEunaverage adj. Not average.
UNAVERAGE adj. not average.
UNGRAVELYungravely adv. (Obsolete) Without seriousness.
UNGRAVELY adj. (Shakespeare) possibly means not gravelly.
UNRAVAGEDunravaged adj. Not having been ravaged.
UNRAVAGED adj. not ravaged.
UNREAVINGunreaving v. Present participle of unreave.
UNREAVE v. to unwind; to disentangle.
VARGUENOSvarguenos n. Plural of vargueno.
VARGUENO n. (Spanish) a cabinet or desk of a kind made at Vargas near Toledo.
VIRGULATEvirgulate adj. Shaped like a little twig or rod.
VIRGULATE adj. shaped like a little twig or rod.
VOYAGEURSvoyageurs n. Plural of voyageur.
VOYAGEUR n. (Canadian) an employee of a fur company who transports goods.
VULGARESTvulgarest adj. Superlative form of vulgar: most vulgar.
VULGAR adj. common.
VULGARISEvulgarise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of vulgarize.
VULGARISE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARIZE.
VULGARIZEvulgarize v. To make commonplace, lewd, or vulgar.
VULGARIZE v. to make vulgar, or common, also VULGARISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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