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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, E, M, R, T and X

ADMIXTUREadmixture n. An instance of admixing, a mixing in of something.
admixture n. A mixture, in some contexts.
ADMIXTURE n. the action of mixing.
AUXOMETERauxometer n. An instrument measuring the magnifying power of lenses.
AUXOMETER n. an instrument for measuring magnifying power.
EXAMETRESexametres n. Plural of exametre.
EXAMETRE n. ten to the power of eighteen metres.
EXTREMALSextremals n. Plural of extremal.
EXTREMAL n. a clause which limits recursion.
HEXAMETERhexameter n. (Countable) A line in a poem having six metrical feet.
hexameter n. (Uncountable) A poetic metre in which each line has six feet.
HEXAMETER n. a verse line of six feet.
MEDIATRIXmediatrix n. A female mediator.
mediatrix n. (Geometry) The line that is perpendicular to a line segment and intersects the line segment at its midpoint.
MEDIATRIX n. (archaic) a female mediator, also MEDIATRESS.
MIXMASTERmixmaster n. (Music) An expert disk jockey.
mixmaster n. A complex freeway interchange.
MIXMASTER n. a disc jockey.
PROXIMATEproximate adj. Close or closest; adjacent.
proximate adj. (Law) Immediately preceding or following in a chain of causation.
proximate adj. About to take place; impending.
TAXAMETERTAXAMETER n. (obsolete) an instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle, also TAXIMETER.
TAXIDERMYtaxidermy n. The art of stuffing and mounting the skins of dead animals for exhibition in a lifelike state.
taxidermy v. (Transitive) To stuff and mount the skin of a dead animal.
TAXIDERMY n. the art of stuffing animals.
TAXIMETERtaximeter n. A device installed in a taxicab that calculates the fare based upon distance travelled and waiting time.
TAXIMETER n. an instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle, also TAXAMETER.
TAXONOMERtaxonomer n. One who studies or creates a taxonomy.
TAXONOMER n. a specialist in taxonomy, also TAXONOMIST.
XEROSTOMAxerostoma n. (Obsolete) The condition of having a dry mouth.
XEROSTOMA n. excessive dryness of the mouth due to insufficient secretions, also XEROSTOMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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