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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2N, S and X

ANNEXIONSannexions n. Plural of annexion.
ANNEXION n. (archaic) the act of annexing, also ANNEXATION.
ANNEXURESannexures n. Plural of annexure.
ANNEXURE n. something added, esp. to a public document.
COANNEXESCOANNEX v. to annex jointly.
EXPANSIONexpansion n. An act, process, or instance of expanding.
EXPANSION n. the act of expanding.
NALOXONESnaloxones n. Plural of naloxone.
NALOXONE n. a potent drug used as an antidote for various narcotics.
NAPROXENSNAPROXEN n. an anti-inflammatory drug.
NEURAXONSNEURAXON n. a part of a neuron.
NONSEXUALnonsexual adj. Asexual; lacking sexual reproductive capabilities; neuter.
nonsexual adj. Not involving sexuality or sexual arousal; platonic.
non-sexual adj. Alternative form of nonsexual.
REANNEXESreannexes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reannex.
REANNEX v. to annex again.
SEXENNIALsexennial adj. Pertaining to a period of six years; taking place once every six years.
sexennial n. A sexennial event.
SEXENNIAL adj. lasting six years, or happening once in six years.
XANTHEINSxantheins n. Plural of xanthein.
XANTHEIN n. a soluble yellow colouring.
XANTHENESxanthenes n. Plural of xanthene.
XANTHENE n. a white crystalline compound of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, from which dyestuffs are derived.
XANTHINESxanthines n. Plural of xanthine.
XANTHINE n. a white substance, structurally related to uric acid, found in muscle tissue, the liver and other organs, also XANTHIN.
XANTHONESxanthones n. Plural of xanthone.
XANTHONE n. a ketone analogue of xanthene which forms the basis of various natural pigments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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