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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, E, N, T, U and Y

ANTIQUELYantiquely adv. In an antique manner.
ANTIQUE adv. very old, also ANTICKE.
AUTODYNESautodynes n. Plural of autodyne.
AUTODYNE n. a type of electrical circuit.
BEAUTYINGbeautying v. Present participle of beauty.
BEAUTY v. (Shakespeare) to make beautiful.
CUNEATELYcuneately adv. In a cuneate manner.
CUNEATE adv. wedge-shaped, also CUNEAL, CUNEATED, CUNEATIC.
CYANURATEcyanurate n. (Biochemistry) A compound formed with cyanuric acid.
cyanurate n. (Biochemistry) The anion formed by the deprotonation of cyanuric acid.
CYANURATE n. a chemical derived from cyanide.
CYANURETScyanurets n. Plural of cyanuret.
CYANURET n. (obsolete) cyanide.
CYBERNAUTcybernaut n. A voyager in cyberspace; a user of the Internet or virtual reality.
CYBERNAUT n. a person using the Internet.
EUTHANASYeuthanasy n. Archaic form of euthanasia.
EUTHANASY n. the practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition, also EUTHANASIA.
EXULTANCYexultancy n. Exultance, exultation.
EXULTANCY n. exultation, also EXULTANCE.
NEUTRALLYneutrally adv. In a neutral manner; evenhandedly or fairly.
NEUTRAL adv. taking no part on either side.
PETULANCYpetulancy n. Petulance; petulant attitude or behaviour.
PETULANCY n. peevish impatience, also PETULANCE.
PRYTANEUMprytaneum n. (Historical) The town hall in an Ancient Greek city.
PRYTANEUM n. (Greek) an ancient Greek town hall.
SINUATELYsinuately adv. In a sinuate manner.
SINUATE adv. curved.
UNADEPTLYUNADEPT adv. not adept.
UNEARTHLYunearthly adj. Not of the earth; non-terrestrial.
unearthly adj. Preternatural or supernatural.
unearthly adj. Strange, enigmatic, or mysterious.
UNHEALTHYunhealthy adj. Characterized by, or conducive to poor health.
unhealthy adj. Sick or ill.
unhealthy adj. Tending to corrupt.
UNREALITYunreality n. Lack of reality or real existence.
unreality n. (Uncountable) The state of being unreal.
unreality n. (Countable) That which has no reality or real existence; something unreal or imaginary.
UNTENABLYuntenably adv. In an untenable way.
UNTENABLE adv. not tenable, also INTENABLE, INTENIBLE.
UNTYPABLEuntypable adj. Not typable.
UNTYPABLE adj. that cannot be typed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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