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There are 15 nine-letter words containing A, F, I, K, R and S

BACKFIRESbackfires n. Plural of backfire.
backfires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backfire.
back␣fires n. Plural of back fire.
FAKIRISMSfakirisms n. Plural of fakirism.
FAKIRISM n. religious asceticism in India.
FINNMARKSFinnmarks n. Plural of Finnmark.
FINNMARK n. the monetary unit of Finland, also FINMARK.
FIREBACKSfirebacks n. Plural of fireback.
FIREBACK n. a cast-iron plate at the back of a fireplace.
FIREMARKSfiremarks n. Plural of firemark.
fire␣marks n. Plural of fire mark.
FIREMARK n. a metal plate formerly placed by insurance companies to mark an insured building.
FORKTAILSforktails n. Plural of forktail.
FORKTAIL n. one of a group of birds including the kite.
FORSAKINGforsaking v. Present participle of forsake.
forsaking n. The act by which somebody is forsaken; an abandonment.
FORSAKING n. abandonment.
FRACKINGSfrackings n. Plural of fracking.
FRACKING n. the process of forcing liquid containing sand or other material into the strata round a well bottom to split them and prevent them closing.
FRANKLINSfranklins n. Plural of franklin.
Franklins prop.n. Plural of Franklin.
Franklins n. Plural of Franklin.
FREAKIESTfreakiest adj. Superlative form of freaky: most freaky.
FREAKY adj. quirkily unusual, also FREAKISH, FREAKFUL.
JAKFRUITSjakfruits n. Plural of jakfruit.
JAKFRUIT n. an East Indian tree of the breadfruit family, also JACKFRUIT, JAK.
KOFTGARISKOFTGARI n. (Urdu) the craft of inlaying steel with gold.
RANKSHIFTrankshift v. (Linguistics) To use a phrase as a subunit of a longer one.
rankshift n. The action of rankshifting.
RANKSHIFT v. to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another.
SCARFSKINscarfskin n. (Archaic) The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, especially that which forms the cuticle of a nail.
scarf-skin n. Alternative form of scarfskin.
SCARFSKIN n. the epidermis or outermost layer of skin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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