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There are 13 words containing 4A, N and V

SAVASANAsavasana n. Alternative form of shavasana.
SAVASANA n. a meditative posture in which one lies on one's back that is typically considered the final resting pose in yoga, also SHAVASANA.
SAVASANASsavasanas n. Plural of savasana.
SAVASANA n. a meditative posture in which one lies on one's back that is typically considered the final resting pose in yoga, also SHAVASANA.
SHAVASANAshavasana n. (Yoga) A resting pose in which one lies flat on one’s back with the arms and legs slightly spread and eyes closed.
SHAVASANA n. a meditative posture in which one lies on one's back that is typically considered the final resting pose in yoga, also SAVASANA.
SHAVASANASshavasanas n. Plural of shavasana.
SHAVASANA n. a meditative posture in which one lies on one's back that is typically considered the final resting pose in yoga, also SAVASANA.
CARAVANSARYcaravansary n. Alternative spelling of caravanserai.
CARAVANSARY n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARAI, CARAVANSERAI.
CARAVANSARAIcaravansarai n. Alternative spelling of caravanserai.
CARAVANSARAI n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARY, CARAVANSERAI.
CARAVANSERAIcaravanserai n. A roadside inn having a central courtyard where caravans can rest.
caravanserai n. (Humorous) An upscale hotel.
caravanserai n. A home or shelter for caravans.
EXTRAVAGANZAextravaganza n. An extravagant or eccentric piece of music, literature, or drama.
extravaganza n. An instance of fantastical, unrestrained, lavish, or chaotic behaviour or conduct.
EXTRAVAGANZA n. (Italian) a literary, musical, or dramatic composition of an extravagant or fanciful character.
ADVANTAGEABLEadvantageable adj. Providing an advantage; helpful to the advancement of a cause.
ADVANTAGEABLE adj. profitable; convenient.
CARAVANSARAIScaravansarais n. Plural of caravansarai.
CARAVANSARAI n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARY, CARAVANSERAI.
CARAVANSARIEScaravansaries n. Plural of caravansary.
CARAVANSARY n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARAI, CARAVANSERAI.
CARAVANSERAIScaravanserais n. Plural of caravanserai.
CARAVANSERAI n. a kind of unfurnished inn or extensive enclosed courtyard where caravans stop, also CARAVANSARAI, CARAVANSARY.
EXTRAVAGANZASextravaganzas n. Plural of extravaganza.
EXTRAVAGANZA n. (Italian) a literary, musical, or dramatic composition of an extravagant or fanciful character.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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