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There are 14 words containing 3A, 2C and V

CALAVANCEcalavance n. Any bean, but especially the hyacinth bean (Lablab purpureus).
calavance n. Food made from beans.
CALAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CARAVANCE.
CARAVANCEcaravance n. Alternative form of calavance.
CARAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CALAVANCE.
CAVALCADEcavalcade n. (Collective) A procession of riders, vehicles, ships, etc.
cavalcade n. A ceremonial parade.
cavalcade n. A trail ride, usually more than one day long.
CALAVANCEScalavances n. Plural of calavance.
CALAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CARAVANCE.
CANVASBACKcanvasback n. A North American wild duck, Aythya valisineria, popular as a game bird.
CANVASBACK n. a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back.
CARAVANCEScaravances n. Plural of caravance.
CARAVANCE n. a kind of pulse, also CALAVANCE.
CAVALCADEDcavalcaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of cavalcade.
CAVALCADE v. to ride in a cavalcade.
CAVALCADEScavalcades n. Plural of cavalcade.
cavalcades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cavalcade.
CAVALCADE v. to ride in a cavalcade.
ACCUSATIVALaccusatival adj. Of or pertaining to the accusative case.
ACCUSATIVAL adj. relating to the accusative case.
CANVASBACKScanvasbacks n. Plural of canvasback.
CANVASBACK n. a species of duck, so named from the markings of the plumage on its back.
CAVALCADINGcavalcading v. Present participle of cavalcade.
CAVALCADE v. to ride in a cavalcade.
CONCANAVALINconcanavalin n. (Medicine) Any of a family of glycoprotein lectins found in the jack bean.
CONCANAVALIN n. a protein that occurs in the jack bean and is a mitogen and hemagglutinin.
CONCANAVALINSconcanavalins n. Plural of concanavalin.
CONCANAVALIN n. a protein that occurs in the jack bean and is a mitogen and hemagglutinin.
CARDIOVASCULARcardiovascular adj. Relating to the circulatory system, that is the heart and blood vessels.
CARDIOVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving the heart and blood vessels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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