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There are 18 words containing 2A, B, F, G and N

BREAKFASTINGbreakfasting v. Present participle of breakfast.
breakfasting n. The act of eating breakfast.
BREAKFAST v. to take breakfast.
CONFABULATINGconfabulating v. Present participle of confabulate.
CONFABULATE v. to chat; to invent past experiences.
FABRICATINGfabricating v. Present participle of fabricate.
FABRICATE v. to manufacture; to produce; to devise falsely.
FABULATINGfabulating v. Present participle of fabulate.
FABULATE v. to compose fables.
FATIGABLENESSfatigableness n. Susceptibility to fatigue.
FATIGABLE n. easily tired, also FATIGUABLE.
FATIGUABLENESSfatiguableness n. Alternative form of fatigableness.
FATIGUABLE n. easily tired, also FATIGABLE.
FLABBERGASTINGflabbergasting adj. Overwhelming in a bewildering way; amazing, confounding, stunning, especially in a ludicrous manner.
flabbergasting v. Present participle of flabbergast.
FLABBERGAST v. to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder.
FLASHBACKINGflashbacking v. Present participle of flashback.
FLASHBACK v. to show a flashback.
FLASHBANGflashbang n. Alternative form of flash-bang.
flash-bang n. A hand grenade that produces a very bright flash and a loud explosion, but no shrapnel and minimal explosive…
flash␣bang n. Alternative form of flash-bang.
FLASHBANGSflashbangs n. Plural of flashbang.
flash-bangs n. Plural of flash-bang.
flash␣bangs n. Plural of flash bang.
FUNAMBULATINGfunambulating v. Present participle of funambulate.
FUNAMBULATE v. to walk the tightrope.
INDEFATIGABLEindefatigable adj. Extremely persistent and untiring.
INDEFATIGABLE adj. incapable of being fatigued.
INDEFATIGABLYindefatigably adv. In an extremely persistent and untiring manner; in an indefatigable manner.
INDEFATIGABLE adv. incapable of being fatigued.
KLANGFARBEKLANGFARBE n. (German) tone-colour; timbre.
KLANGFARBESKLANGFARBE n. (German) tone-colour; timbre.
MAGNIFIABLEmagnifiable adj. That can be magnified, or extolled.
magnifiable adj. Capable of being magnified, or made to appear larger.
MAGNIFIABLE adj. that can be magnified.
PREFABRICATINGprefabricating v. Present participle of prefabricate.
PREFABRICATE v. to make standardized parts of beforehand, for assembling later.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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