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There are 14 words containing 2A, C, J, P and S

APPLEJACKSapplejacks n. Plural of applejack.
APPLEJACK n. apple brandy, distilled from fermented apple juice, also APPLECART.
CAJAPUTSCAJAPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJEPUT, CAJUPUT, KAJEPUT.
CHAPARAJOSchaparajos n. Chaps (item of clothing).
CHAPARAJOS n. a cowboy's leather riding leggings, also CHAPAREJOS.
CHAPAREJOSchaparejos n. Chaps (trousers).
CHAPAREJOS n. a cowboy's leather riding leggings, also CHAPARAJOS.
CHEAPJACKScheapjacks n. Plural of cheapjack.
CHEAPJACK n. a travelling hawker who professes to give a great bargain.
CLAMJAMPHRIESclamjamphries n. Plural of clamjamphrie.
CLAMJAMPHRIE n. (Scots) rubbish, nonsense, also CLAMJAMFRY, CLANJAMFRAY.
FLAPJACKSflapjacks n. Plural of flapjack; pancakes.
FLAPJACK n. a kind of biscuit, also SLAPJACK.
JACKALOPESjackalopes n. Plural of jackalope.
JACKALOPE n. a mythical animal that is reported chiefly from the western US and is reputed to be the size of a small deer and to have the body of a jackrabbit and the horns of an antelope.
JACKANAPESjackanapes n. (Obsolete) A monkey.
jackanapes n. (Dated, derogatory) An impudent or mischievous person.
jackanapes n. Plural of jackanape.
JACKANAPESESjackanapeses n. Plural of jackanapes.
jack-a-napeses n. Plural of jack-a-napes.
JACKANAPES n. an impudent child; a conceited fellow.
JACKPLANESjackplanes n. Plural of jackplane.
jack␣planes n. Plural of jack plane.
JACKPLANE n. a large woodworking plane.
JAPONICASjaponicas n. Plural of japonica.
JAPONICA n. any of several plants native to Japan, esp. the Japanese quince.
SLAPJACKslapjack n. (Countable, US, dialect) A type of pancake, or flapjack.
slapjack n. (Uncountable) A simple card game similar to snap.
SLAPJACK n. a flat batter cake cooked on a griddle, also FLAPJACK.
SLAPJACKSslapjacks n. Plural of slapjack.
SLAPJACK n. a flat batter cake cooked on a griddle, also FLAPJACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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