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There are 15 words containing 2A, H, N, Q and U

QUADRAPHONYquadraphony n. (Of a sound system) Sound originating from four speakers.
QUADRAPHONY n. a system of sound transmission using four speakers, also QUADRAPHONICS, QUADRIPHONICS, QUADROPHONICS, QUADROPHONY.
SQUABASHINGsquabashing v. Present participle of squabash.
SQUABASH v. to crush esp. with criticism; to lambaste.
EARTHQUAKINGearthquaking v. Present participle of earthquake.
EARTHQUAKING adj. having the nature of an earthquake.
HARLEQUINADEharlequinade n. A pantomime-like comedy featuring the harlequin or clown.
harlequinade n. Any comical or fantastical procedure or playfulness.
HARLEQUINADE n. (French) part of a pantomime in which a harlequin plays a chief part.
METHAQUALONEmethaqualone n. (Pharmacology) A sedative drug that has effects similar to barbiturates. Also used recreationally.
METHAQUALONE n. a type of sedative, aka quaalude.
QUADRAPHONICquadraphonic adj. (Of a sound system) Employing four independent channels or speakers.
QUADRAPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, recording, or reproduction of sound, also QUADRIPHONIC, QUADROPHONIC.
VANQUISHABLEvanquishable adj. That can be vanquished; defeatable, conquerable.
VANQUISHABLE adj. able to be vanquished.
ANTHRAQUINONEanthraquinone n. (Organic chemistry) A tricyclic quinone, derived from anthracene.
anthraquinone n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of this parent compound, mostly natural pigments or synthetic dyes.
ANTHRAQUINONE n. a chemical used in the manufacture of some dyes.
HARLEQUINADESharlequinades n. Plural of harlequinade.
HARLEQUINADE n. (French) part of a pantomime in which a harlequin plays a chief part.
METHAQUALONESmethaqualones n. Plural of methaqualone.
METHAQUALONE n. a type of sedative, aka quaalude.
QUADRAPHONICSquadraphonics n. Quadraphonic sound.
QUADRAPHONICS n. a system of sound transmission using a minimum of four speakers, also QUADRAPHONY, QUADRIPHONICS, QUADROPHONICS, QUADROPHONY.
ANTHRAQUINONESanthraquinones n. Plural of anthraquinone.
ANTHRAQUINONE n. a chemical used in the manufacture of some dyes.
HEADQUARTERINGheadquartering v. Present participle of headquarter.
HEADQUARTER v. to make one's headquarters.
UNVANQUISHABLEunvanquishable adj. That cannot be vanquished; undefeatable, inconquerable.
UNVANQUISHABLE adj. not vanquishable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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